Couldn't see any of this from my driveway, was pretty psyched when I got a couple hundred feet up and rotated east. Mavic Pro II, RAW images stitched in ACR.
Mt. Baker on L, Glacier Pk. behind White Chuck Mt. in center, Mt. Rainier in distance on R. DJI Mavic 2 Pro, RAW images captured manually (no pano mode) stitched in Photoshop.
Panos shot RAW stitched in Photoshop.
Look close at the summit for the lookout where I'm standing.
A friendly hiker posed for me on the nearby ridge the next morning.
I just got a Mavic 2 Pro and am learning how to use it. Saw some nice light on the clouds above my house last night so hurried out to fly the drone straight up for a new perspective. It's like I now have a wonderful view house! Shot as individual RAW files and stitched in Photoshop.