Well-Known Member
There are some useful videos on YouTube about 3-blade prop's on Mavic Pro & Mav' 2 Pro ... The conclusions seem to be that the 3-blade prop's make the Mavic a bit more responsive, and will stop it (and accelerate it) a lot faster - to the extent that the drone is flipped up into an attitude mode that will almost get to the point where the safety kicks in and cuts the motors! The 3-blade prop's won't allow the Mavic to fly faster despite the quicker acceleration. The rpm of the motors is lower, but that's due to the motors working harder to push the air out of the way ... Carbon-Fibre prop's are generally very stiff, and therefore won't 'feather' like the stock DJI prop's. Due to the motors working harder, the battery/flight duration is decreased and flight-times are shorter.