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Air 2 360° Album of My City


Well-Known Member
Premium Pilot
Jul 3, 2019
Fort Saskatchewan Alberta
Saturday was bright and clear, not a cloud in the sky. I shot 24 panorama marked in the image below. Click the link below to go to the album. Let me know what you think of them.
Fort Saskatchewan 360° Panorama Album Link
Click on the first image then the arrow center right to move to the next image.
Fort Sask Map of 360 Panos.jpg
Thanks for posting that, very cool. Browsing through the images opened my eyes to the possibilities.

Questions I have are what model drone did you use, and I'd also be interested to know about the post processing s/w & general techniques you used to put it together. Approximately how many hours did it take to edit?

A random impression I was getting throughout was that while I already knew Saskatchewan was huge and flat (from family letters home from my cousin who got married and moved to Saskatoon a long time ago), the 360 images really bring out that aspect.
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Thanks for posting that, very cool. Browsing through the images opened my eyes to the possibilities.

Questions I have are what model drone did you use, and I'd also be interested to know about the post processing s/w & general techniques you used to put it together.

A random impression I was getting throughout was that while I already knew Saskatchewan was huge and flat (from family letters home from my cousin who got married and moved to Saskatoon a long time ago), the 360 images really bring out that aspect.

I used a Mavic Air 2 to capture the images. This drone stitches the 26 images it takes into a panorama while it is flying. I did no post processing to the album images. All of them were shot at 400 ft AGL. Took about 3 hours and 3 batteries to take the panoramas. As to the location, you are one province out. I am in Alberta which is west of Saskatchewan. We are also pretty flat until the Rocky Mountains about 300 miles west of my city.
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Thank you for the insights.

It's ironic, to me anyway, that my blindly assuming Fort Saskatchewan would be in SK province would be wrong. I broke my own rule of not researching it first. Lesson relearned :)
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