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Accosted and Vandalized

I recently was doing a shoot at a National Monument here in Florida. Was there before sunrise as I wanted to do a time lapse of it rising over the monument.
I was approached by a very polite park ranger and was told I could not fly directly above the monument ( it was a historic fort ) once the park opened due to crowds of people, he informed me that I could fly all around it as there are no federal regulation(s) governing the air space as long as I was flying within FAA guidelines/regulations, but and this is it:

You can fly over Federal, State & Local Parks within FAA requirements but you cannot Launch or Land on Federal Property, so he politely asked me to walk 30' to the edge of the Federal Monument Parking Lot step onto the sidewalk which he told me was city property and takeoff and land there, which I did and completed my shoot.

And yes the city I was in had no local ordinances banning the launch/land of a drone.
OK guy's the OP just contacted me so This is now back open .
Please do play nice :)
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I would scrap it as a loss... yeah it sucks and he's a moron who clearly needs punishment, but if you go further you risk someone going at you for flying in the park (could be him reporting you out of frustration if anything happens to him and he's advised to do so by a lawyer, or the local police), and there you likely risk MUCH more than the $750 of a Mavic.
I agree. Call it even, forget about it (if U can) buy another Mavic and fly somewhere else.
Regarding Assaulted and Vandalized thread on this forum:
No trolling going on here. As I explained to the moderator, I stopped receiving email notifications of thread replies and assumed the thread was dead. I received an email from the forum this morning indicating the post was among the most popular and logged on to find many interesting viewpoints.

An update: one week after the incident I received a call from the State Park Officer with whom I filed the initial report. She had photos and wanted to meet up to see if I could pick out the individual that vandalized my Mavic. We met in the parking lot of the beach and the officer gave me several pictures that could only have been mugshots. I immediately identified the attacker. The officer will now contact other witnesses (one woman witnessed the incident from 30 ft away and a group of surfers were approached by the attacker in the parking lot asking if they knew where the drone op was) and build a case to submit to the DA for prosecution.

I spent some time researching the guy and contacted someone in our small community who is well-connected, knows a lot of people. I described the incident and she immediately gave me a name saying she had had problems with this individual numerous times. I now know his name, address, emails, cell phone number(s), car he drives, Facebook page, and past criminal history (gotta love the Internet). I am waiting patiently for the system to work.

I have considered countless times how the incident could have been different if I had physically confronted this guy, how good it would have felt to put the hurt on him. At another time in my life it would have been reflexive. After giving this a lot of thought I can honestly say, I might have attacked the guy physically if not for one thing: my wife sitting there. She would never condone physical retaliation and this has had an effect on me. It is also the way I would want my 17-year old son to handle a similar situation. I’d also like to do bad things like the ones mentioned in posts. I will refrain. And really, this guy seems unhinged, certifiably loony. Is retaliation worth risking additional retaliation?

At this point if a case is filed, the guy is facing felony vandalism which could mean jail time and a fine depending on past criminal history.

Regarding an earlier post saying drones are in fact legal in State Parks, this is partly true. However, for the State Park (Beach) in question:

Popular droning sites along the San Francisco Peninsula no longer allow the use of any unmanned aircraft systems (UAS) following a park superintendent order.
“While drones are currently allowed in California State Parks, local district superintendents are allowed to ban them at any of its local sites. The Santa Cruz District Superintendent joined other regional park districts in May when he signed new restrictions on drone use at its parks.”

If interested, I can update as events unfold.
Thanks for the follow up. Sounds like a nasty character. Lucky you didn't get hurt. Things are not worth bodily risk. You did the right thing.

Remember, everyone is a tough guy behind a keyboard.
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I'd let it go as you are opening yourself up to charges for flying illegally.
I'm not so sure about that - certainly the FAA wouldn't prosecute such a case. And in recent years, the State Parks have reversed themselves and now ALLOW safe drone flights in their jurisdiction!
But Regional Parks here in California are controlled by the COUNTY (not the State) and seem to have their own set of rules... as do cities. Of course technically as long as we can takeoff and land outside of local parks, we are "technically" outside of the park's jurisdiction but good luck with that and most would agree it's not worth the risk. Bottom line, we must be still be careful not to fly in controlled FAA airspace, and be cognizant that other parks that are controlled by other jurisdictions (NOAA/Marine Sanctuary, military airspace, Regional Parks, National Parks, National Recreational Areas as the Golden Gate bay area, State Reserves, and even in State Beach areas protected by the "beloved" snowy plover birds!)
California Travel Videos
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He should follow through and let them charge this person
A week ago I was flying my Mavic on a local beach here in California which is a State Park, yes, illegal. I had been flying over some surfers for about 20 minutes and near a bluff with some houses overlooking the ocean and had landed and was preparing to leave when seemingly out of nowhere a man come sprinting down the beach and screams a profanity at me, grabs my Magic and smashes it over his knee saying something like "stay away from my windows." He finishes by ripping off an arm and the camera and throws my Mavic down to the sand and runs away. My wife and I are too stunned to speak much less have the presence of mind to take a picture of him. A young woman on the beach about thirty feet away and a group of surfers in the parking lot witness the whole incident. The local sheriff refers my call to State Park Police. Someone takes my report over the phone and does not contact me the rest of the week even though I call three consecutive days for an update on the "investigation." In the meantime I do some research and identify the man. We are a small community and this was very easy to do. Someone who knows the man says she has had "problems with him in the past." If State Park Police are unable or unwilling to prosecute do I have any other recourse? Of course I would like to recover the cost of a replacement Mavic. Do I need an attorney to file a small claims court case? This has been quite upsetting the past week to the point I've lost sleep thinking about it. Any help or suggestions appreciated.
Not to sound insensitive but perfect time to get the Platinum.
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Regarding Assaulted and Vandalized thread on this forum:
No trolling going on here. As I explained to the moderator, I stopped receiving email notifications of thread replies and assumed the thread was dead. I received an email from the forum this morning indicating the post was among the most popular and logged on to find many interesting viewpoints.

An update: one week after the incident I received a call from the State Park Officer with whom I filed the initial report. She had photos and wanted to meet up to see if I could pick out the individual that vandalized my Mavic. We met in the parking lot of the beach and the officer gave me several pictures that could only have been mugshots. I immediately identified the attacker. The officer will now contact other witnesses (one woman witnessed the incident from 30 ft away and a group of surfers were approached by the attacker in the parking lot asking if they knew where the drone op was) and build a case to submit to the DA for prosecution.

I spent some time researching the guy and contacted someone in our small community who is well-connected, knows a lot of people. I described the incident and she immediately gave me a name saying she had had problems with this individual numerous times. I now know his name, address, emails, cell phone number(s), car he drives, Facebook page, and past criminal history (gotta love the Internet). I am waiting patiently for the system to work.

I have considered countless times how the incident could have been different if I had physically confronted this guy, how good it would have felt to put the hurt on him. At another time in my life it would have been reflexive. After giving this a lot of thought I can honestly say, I might have attacked the guy physically if not for one thing: my wife sitting there. She would never condone physical retaliation and this has had an effect on me. It is also the way I would want my 17-year old son to handle a similar situation. I’d also like to do bad things like the ones mentioned in posts. I will refrain. And really, this guy seems unhinged, certifiably loony. Is retaliation worth risking additional retaliation?

At this point if a case is filed, the guy is facing felony vandalism which could mean jail time and a fine depending on past criminal history.

Regarding an earlier post saying drones are in fact legal in State Parks, this is partly true. However, for the State Park (Beach) in question:

Popular droning sites along the San Francisco Peninsula no longer allow the use of any unmanned aircraft systems (UAS) following a park superintendent order.
“While drones are currently allowed in California State Parks, local district superintendents are allowed to ban them at any of its local sites. The Santa Cruz District Superintendent joined other regional park districts in May when he signed new restrictions on drone use at its parks.”

If interested, I can update as events unfold.
View attachment 21065

Good job, this thug needs to pay, file a civil suit as well !!! It is not the first time he has assaulted someone I would have to say !!!
Doesn't matter where or when he was flying, I would pursue filing charges and or a claim in small claims court, no person has a right to destroy anybody's personal property regardless. The idiot should have just made a phone call to report you and not take matters into his own hands... file charges and small claims court. I doubt very much if anybody files charges against you for flying and more than likely would just give you a warning being that the officials did not catch you in the act of flying it in the park!
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If anyone can positively ID the suspect, I would serve him to appear in small claims court. Your wife is a witness (try to get one more) and you have a chance of winning. If he doesn't pay, file for Lien of Restitution, which means you can seize (on court order) personal property of his to satisfy the claim. In the real world however, he sounds mentality dangerous . I would file a claim with your insurance carrier. Mine would cover it and go after the suspect. He sounds full blown wacked out and dangerous. ( My advice is based on my experience as an officer of the court in Colorado, may be different where you are at!)
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Like most people have stated 'walk away'. The Police may not have been in touch yet because they may be waiting for him to make a complaint too - then you could be in for some serious bother. I'd keep low, don't take revenge, he'll get what's coming his way one day. On saying that though he had no right to do that, can you prove you were not looking through his windows, flying over his property. It is criminal damage, but you too were behaving unfortunately criminally. The leg he ripped off can be repaired and the camera too. You're looking at say, £300 max. There is another way you could of course get it repaired for free. Who needs to know some crazy attacked it?
Sounds like you're getting resolution. Now it's a matter of whether you getting compensated is part of the deal worked out by the DA, if formally charged. But if you take no action, this guy walks free to do this again.
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Flying in State parks is not illegal in many California parks. It is legal in Bodie and is usually up to the discretion of the individual park, I believe. Which park was this?
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A week ago I was flying my Mavic on a local beach here in California which is a State Park, yes, illegal. I had been flying over some surfers for about 20 minutes and near a bluff with some houses overlooking the ocean and had landed and was preparing to leave when seemingly out of nowhere a man come sprinting down the beach and screams a profanity at me, grabs my Magic and smashes it over his knee saying something like "stay away from my windows." He finishes by ripping off an arm and the camera and throws my Mavic down to the sand and runs away. My wife and I are too stunned to speak much less have the presence of mind to take a picture of him. A young woman on the beach about thirty feet away and a group of surfers in the parking lot witness the whole incident. The local sheriff refers my call to State Park Police. Someone takes my report over the phone and does not contact me the rest of the week even though I call three consecutive days for an update on the "investigation." In the meantime I do some research and identify the man. We are a small community and this was very easy to do. Someone who knows the man says she has had "problems with him in the past." If State Park Police are unable or unwilling to prosecute do I have any other recourse? Of course I would like to recover the cost of a replacement Mavic. Do I need an attorney to file a small claims court case? This has been quite upsetting the past week to the point I've lost sleep thinking about it. Any help or suggestions appreciated.
Are you sure you were flying illegally? Unless there are postings of “No drones allowed” California State Parks are legal to fly
A week ago I was flying my Mavic on a local beach here in California which is a State Park, yes, illegal. I had been flying over some surfers for about 20 minutes and near a bluff with some houses overlooking the ocean and had landed and was preparing to leave when seemingly out of nowhere a man come sprinting down the beach and screams a profanity at me, grabs my Magic and smashes it over his knee saying something like "stay away from my windows." He finishes by ripping off an arm and the camera and throws my Mavic down to the sand and runs away. My wife and I are too stunned to speak much less have the presence of mind to take a picture of him. A young woman on the beach about thirty feet away and a group of surfers in the parking lot witness the whole incident. The local sheriff refers my call to State Park Police. Someone takes my report over the phone and does not contact me the rest of the week even though I call three consecutive days for an update on the "investigation." In the meantime I do some research and identify the man. We are a small community and this was very easy to do. Someone who knows the man says she has had "problems with him in the past." If State Park Police are unable or unwilling to prosecute do I have any other recourse? Of course I would like to recover the cost of a replacement Mavic. Do I need an attorney to file a small claims court case? This has been quite upsetting the past week to the point I've lost sleep thinking about it. Any help or suggestions appreciated.

Check this out. You may be legal unless otherwise posted. Unmanned Aircraft System (Drones) in State Parks
A week ago I was flying my Mavic on a local beach here in California which is a State Park, yes, illegal. I had been flying over some surfers for about 20 minutes and near a bluff with some houses overlooking the ocean and had landed and was preparing to leave when seemingly out of nowhere a man come sprinting down the beach and screams a profanity at me, grabs my Magic and smashes it over his knee saying something like "stay away from my windows." He finishes by ripping off an arm and the camera and throws my Mavic down to the sand and runs away. My wife and I are too stunned to speak much less have the presence of mind to take a picture of him. A young woman on the beach about thirty feet away and a group of surfers in the parking lot witness the whole incident. The local sheriff refers my call to State Park Police. Someone takes my report over the phone and does not contact me the rest of the week even though I call three consecutive days for an update on the "investigation." In the meantime I do some research and identify the man. We are a small community and this was very easy to do. Someone who knows the man says she has had "problems with him in the past." If State Park Police are unable or unwilling to prosecute do I have any other recourse? Of course I would like to recover the cost of a replacement Mavic. Do I need an attorney to file a small claims court case? This has been quite upsetting the past week to the point I've lost sleep thinking about it. Any help or suggestions appreciated.
I have many thoughts on this one. First, I'm sorry for your experience. Now, on to what to do. I think Trayboz is correct. Winning a judgement against the purp is problamatic. In Nebraska, there is also no way to secure payment of monetary award in your favor. I agree with the majority who recommend you drop it and move on. Flying illegally undermined your options. If you decide to go that way, I hope you will get another drone and fly elsewhere. I also strongly recommend, if you buy a Mavic, that you get the DJI Refresh program for $100. If you buy a different drone, property insurance might be in order. Oh, I forgot....California. I'll forgo my recommendations about where you live and fly. Regardless, I hope the comments here have been helpful, except for the one about baseball bats. There are crazy people everywhere. You will need a lot of bats!
A week ago I was flying my Mavic on a local beach here in California which is a State Park, yes, illegal. I had been flying over some surfers for about 20 minutes and near a bluff with some houses overlooking the ocean and had landed and was preparing to leave when seemingly out of nowhere a man come sprinting down the beach and screams a profanity at me, grabs my Magic and smashes it over his knee saying something like "stay away from my windows." He finishes by ripping off an arm and the camera and throws my Mavic down to the sand and runs away. My wife and I are too stunned to speak much less have the presence of mind to take a picture of him. A young woman on the beach about thirty feet away and a group of surfers in the parking lot witness the whole incident. The local sheriff refers my call to State Park Police. Someone takes my report over the phone and does not contact me the rest of the week even though I call three consecutive days for an update on the "investigation." In the meantime I do some research and identify the man. We are a small community and this was very easy to do. Someone who knows the man says she has had "problems with him in the past." If State Park Police are unable or unwilling to prosecute do I have any other recourse? Of course I would like to recover the cost of a replacement Mavic. Do I need an attorney to file a small claims court case? This has been quite upsetting the past week to the point I've lost sleep thinking about it. Any help or suggestions appreciated.

If you can't get any help, visit you closest bikie gang, this is what they do for a price. Fix these types of issues. ;)
Is there documentation that specifies flying over illegal parks is ok (thus the conclusion that takeoff/landing outside of it is ok)? Or is it just the interpretation/conclusion that FAA owns the airspace as opposed to other law makers?
Hello, Sir. Sorry to hear about your Mavic. That's completely inappropriate. You were in the right the operation of recreational UAS in California State Parks is legal (with a few exceptions due to nesting areas, wildlife refuges, etc.). Here's the code - The Santa Cruz State Parks no longer allow drones - Here's Where You Can Fly Drones in the Bay Area. Again, sorry to hear about this. I hope you can recoup your losses and still able to enjoy this amazing hobby. If someone else already posted the California State Park regs, my bad for duplication. Respectfully, Donnie Brzuska
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