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Active Track Attack!


Well-Known Member
Aug 25, 2017
Central Sierra Mountains, California, USA
I was flying my MP with my son this weekend and his he tried to set his MP to Active Track my MP at about ten feet AGL. It immediately shot straight forward and collided with mine, with both MP's crashing to the ground. It almost looked like his MP was pi**ed off and wanted to take mine out! Maybe some kind of oedipal issues, IDK. Anyway besides six total broken rotors and one slightly cracked leg, there was apparently no other damage. I haven't experimented with Active Track at all, any theories why this might have happened?
Check out your TXT flight log to see if it explains what happened. You can upload and view it online here. If you'd like other people to review and comment on your flight log, then please post a link back here after you upload it.
Theoretically should it be possible to safely Active Track another MP that's actively flying?
I doubt a Mavic is large enough to track.
I wonder if its possible, but a question of recognition? I am thinking if you had a uniform background and close enough to it to see the shape it would lock on to it to follow. Honestly its a good question. I have never tried it nor seen it.
The issue is that sometimes AT lags. So the object moves, the Mavic does not and then the Mavic needs to play catch up. So it shoots forward in order to follow the object. It can over-shoot the subject. Because it's tracking the object, it's flying straight toward it. If it's on the same level of the subject (which you should not be doing), it may it the subject.
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