Okay, so most of us either have or soon will have our mavics...
It should be pretty clear to anyone that has ever built a model airplane, or has seen a helicopter, or just even looked at a bird that this thing, wonderful as it is, has terrible aerodynamics.
It seems to me that the first and most obvious clean up is going to be to the propellers. Run your finger down the leading edge, and you can feel a small but noticeable ridge, presumably where the mold separates. That ridge is in a critical spot. I'm going to try some wet 500 grit paper and see if I can't clean up a set. Of course, rebalancing them will be necessary.
And then there is the leading edge of the drone itself. It looks like the carapace of a crab maybe. What I think we need is a protruding plastic dome with a NACA vent to feed the grill in front of the fan. That right there would cut an enormous source of drag in forward flight, and would look kind of badass, in my opinion. And then the rectangular sections for the legs are just huge sources of drag. I know, it's more important that it fold, but still...
Oh well. Someone will start making parts to clean up this sucker, and I will soon have a nice clean set of props.