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Air 2S Crash; Now SD card wont show up on computer


Well-Known Member
Jan 31, 2023
Looking for a little assistance and wondering if anyone else has experienced this. I was flying my Air2S for a client about a week ago and I got a yellow warning to the left rear. There was a small tree behind me and I was below the main canopy about 5' off the ground. Well apparently one of the smaller branches was sticking out a little further than I could tell (it was really small). It was big enough however to lock up the rotor blade and send the AC to the ground which was like I said, about 5'. Now the right rear rotor housing is bent and the rotor is locked up. The gimbal also appeared to be glitching somewhat. Drone is being repaired now.

However, my question is this. Up until that point, everything was perfectly fine and I had captured a few videos that I need. But now when I put my SD card into the reader on my computer, nothing shows up. There is nothing physically wrong with the SD card and it didn't fall from that far.

Any advice?? Thanks in advance!
My quick thought is related to phantoms, there is no end of file on the video of the sd card.
In other words back in the day you would have the SD card in your bird and power it back up. For just a few seconds. It would finish the file. If that's impossible to do, then look for some utility's that look at the hole clip, then fix it.

Before you follow this thought, Copy the SD to a computer two different folders. Don't run a fix file on the SD card.

At the moment I would ask, is there any other videos or pictures that you can retrieve?

Anyways, to all please correct me or add.

Rod ..
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If you have one, try another mSD card in the reader.
I have a very vague recollection of someone saying some problem with a firewall prevented their computer from seeing their card but you'd have to google that.
I did find Windows 10 Won't Recognise microSD Card
I have used a mSD card that spent a week in the sea, the drone's innards were annihilated but the card survived
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My quick thought is related to phantoms, there is no end of file on the video of the sd card.
In other words back in the day you would have the SD card in your bird and power it back up. For just a few seconds. It would finish the file. If that's impossible to do, then look for some utility's that look at the hole clip, then fix it.

Before you follow this thought, Copy the SD to a computer two different folders. Don't run a fix file on the SD card.

At the moment I would ask, is there any other videos or pictures that you can retrieve?

Anyways, to all please correct me or add.

Rod ..
That's the thing... the card wont register. I put it in and nothing happens at all. There is no way to copy anything from the SD card. I guess I could try to put the card back in once I get the drone back from repairs and see what that does. The drone didn't shut down though upon hitting the ground. It stayed on and continued recording.
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If you have one, try another mSD card in the reader.
I have a very vague recollection of someone saying some problem with a firewall prevented their computer from seeing their card but you'd have to google that.
I did find Windows 10 Won't Recognise microSD Card
I have used a mSD card that spent a week in the sea, the drone's innards were annihilated but the card survived
Yea all of my other cards and adapters work fine. Its this card that was in the drone when it crashed that is the issue.
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Probably a bit difficult at the moment since they have sent the drone away for repair.
Right, and he also said videos - as in more than one. If this was a case of powering off while recording, only the last video would have been affected. And he never said anything about them being corrupt, he said they weren't there, as in - they weren't showing up on his computer. Seems Yorkshire Pud is the only other respondent in this thread besides me that actually read the first post!

@AirBoudreaux ..... you said you tried different adapters, did you try a different computer by any chance? Or maybe a different file manager software? Yorkshire Puds suggestion of looking into the firewall might be a good start, and maybe a SD card repair utility although I can't suggest one, sorry. If you're using Windows, right click on the SD card in Explorer, look at the properties and check out the used space and free space vs capacity and see if the files might actually be there taking up space.

Sorry I can't be of more real help but I hope you get your files back!
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he said they weren't there, as in - they weren't showing up on his computer.
Partially right. Its not the files that arent showing up, its the ENTIRE SD card. When I put it in, nothing happens. There is no drive to select and open up.

did you try a different computer by any chance?
I did. Same result. Nothing is registering.

If you're using Windows, right click on the SD card in Explorer, look at the properties and check out the used space and free space vs capacity and see if the files might actually be there taking up space.
I cant. The card is not registering at all. There is nothing to right click on. No properties to check. It doesnt show up at all.

I think my best bet is going to be to try to put it back in when I get my drone back and complete the recording. Im almost positive I did though. I seem to remember hitting the record button when walking up to the drone to pick it up.
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I think my best bet is going to be to try to put it back in when I get my drone back and complete the recording.
If the card is not showing up on your computer at all, sorry but that technique is not going to help.
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If the card is not showing up on your computer at all, sorry but that technique is not going to help.
That's what I'm afraid of lol! Luckily it was only 2 or 3 short videos. It would just be nice to have them and not have to re-shoot.
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That's what I'm afraid of lol! Luckily it was only 2 or 3 short videos. It would just be nice to have them and not have to re-shoot.
Do you have some other device into which you can fit the card or a reader which can be connected to some other device?
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Do you have some other device into which you can fit the card or a reader which can be connected to some other device?
I have tried it on three different computers and two different card readers. That one SD card is the only one not doing anything.
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"Seems Yorkshire Pud is the only other respondent in this thread besides me that actually read the first post!"
I was interrupted and in a hurry, I was supposed to be eating dinner. :rolleyes: Thumbswayup

If you know they are other vids or picts on the card. They should be there, it is the last one that hast to be repaired. I'm a windows guy, I could always copy all the files the good and the bad.

Rod ..
If you use recovery software make sure to not write anything to the card so that you can try putting it back in the aircraft when you get one back. It's happened quite frequently with DJI things that a card would not be readable in a reader but would work when leaving it in the aircraft and connecting to it via USB.
Try Card Recovery. A very good utility. I have actually recovered over 700GB of data from a formatted hard drive, and many SD cards, even recovering deleted files.

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