I've held off from upgrading because of all the various problems people post about in the Mavic 3 forum.
I know some people rave about the results, looking beyond problems like GPS acquisition.
I don't know if it's feature complete, like hyper lapses and Master Shots.
So Mavic 3 certainly has much greater potential but I also worry that it won't be in compliance with future US and EU regulations like CE mark label int he latter, which would greatly restrict where you can operate it -- I'm am American but have flown a lot in the EU and hope to do more.
The possibility of spending $5000 and then having some new EU regulation limit where it's legally allowed to operate would be the biggest uncertainty.
Is Air 2S feature-complete? Is it's firmware stable or are they still releasing new ones still every few weeks or months?
I have Mavic 2 Pro but apparently the sensors are offline after a crash and I've mostly been flying in Tripod mode for smooth pans and stable flights, panos and hyper lapses.
So I'm in a market sooner than I had planned to be.
I know some people rave about the results, looking beyond problems like GPS acquisition.
I don't know if it's feature complete, like hyper lapses and Master Shots.
So Mavic 3 certainly has much greater potential but I also worry that it won't be in compliance with future US and EU regulations like CE mark label int he latter, which would greatly restrict where you can operate it -- I'm am American but have flown a lot in the EU and hope to do more.
The possibility of spending $5000 and then having some new EU regulation limit where it's legally allowed to operate would be the biggest uncertainty.
Is Air 2S feature-complete? Is it's firmware stable or are they still releasing new ones still every few weeks or months?
I have Mavic 2 Pro but apparently the sensors are offline after a crash and I've mostly been flying in Tripod mode for smooth pans and stable flights, panos and hyper lapses.
So I'm in a market sooner than I had planned to be.