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Aircraft logs one gigabyte?


Well-Known Member
Premium Pilot
Nov 18, 2021
North Pole, Alaska
What are the aircraft logs and when they are downloaded where are they download to? Logs are typically just text files so I can’t imagine a text file is a gigabyte for a single flight. I am uploading or downloading one of these from the DJI fly app I assuming it is going into a folder on my iPad but your comments would be welcome thank you.
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The log files are huge and encrypted so you won’t be able to read them. They are downloaded using Assistant 2 and when you store them locally they get compressed by Assistant 2. Generally they are used by DJI for investigations if you have a crash or unusual aircraft behaviour.

Your remote stores a text file which can be used for flight analysis instructions for retrieving etc can be found by going to the ‘crash analysis and fly away help’ section of this forum.
Logs are typically just text files so I can’t imagine a text file is a gigabyte for a single flight
It sounds like you're referring to DAT logs. I've never seen a TXT log anywhere near that size.
I am referring to the whatever is in the DJI Fly app when you click on Profile, then More and view the Flight Data Center. If you click on an entry it will show your flight map so I assume it is not a txt file but I don't know where the file goes when you upload an entry. Each of them showed to be around a gigabyte in size and took quite a while to upload. I uploaded one, thinking I could view/access it at some point. I assume it is a map representation of the flight but after uploading it...I have no idea where it can be found. Perhaps it is sent to DJI and not accessible to mere mortals?
Perhaps it is sent to DJI and not accessible to mere mortals?
The DAT log is not sent to DJI. However, they might review it if you ever send your drone in for repair. It's encrypted and I don't know of any mere mortals who are able to read it.
Thank goodness for the search function, because I just ran across this issue myself and I just couldn't understand for the life of me why these files were so big.... where are these files being stored anyone know? On my SD card in the drone?

Thanks 😊
Can the Drone be reset to remove a previous owners flight logs?

The good news is those logs are encrypted. So, the new owner won't be able to view them even if they figure out how to access the log files.
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