DJI's restrictions are... interesting. They vary from aircraft to aircraft. Here are the areas I can't fly my Phantom 3 Advanced (note that if it is blue, I can't even take off, the orange zones are "advanced warning zones". Note that all of the controlled areas are round:
Now, here is the same map for a Mavic Pro:
Now the blue zones are inline with the airports runways. But that is OK. It actually opens up a larger area this way, Note that the "Enhanced Warning Zones" are SMALLER this way. I usually apply for an authorization online at:
Self Unlocking - Fly Safe - DJI. After you get this approved via the website, you have to import the auth into your drone from your internet-connected phone/tablet. The auth is good for three days. Then I can take off/fly in some of the blue zones at a restricted height, using my ALOFT app (formerly known as KittyHawk):

It is where you get your LAANC authorization if your nearby airport supports that. Only one out of the four airports near me support LAANC. Here is a sample authorization:
Request Approved
Authorized by FAA
KTJBN13Y6ZZ0 / SAC 06/11/21 8:47 pm UTC 06/12/21 12:47 am UTC 400ft. In accordance with Title 14 CFR Part 107.41, your operation is authorized within the designated airspace and timeframe constraints. Altitude limits are absolute values above ground level which shall not be added to the height of any structures. This Authorization is subject to cancellation at any time upon notice by the FAA Administrator or his/her authorized representative. This Authorization does not constitute a waiver of any State law or local ordinance. John Doe is the person designated as responsible for the overall safety of UAS operations under this Authorization. During UAS operations for on-site communication/recall, John Doe shall be continuously available for direct contact at (916) xxx-yyyy by Air Traffic. Remote pilots are responsible to check the airspace they are operating in and comply with all restrictions that may be present in accordance with 14 CFR 107.45 and 107.49 (a)(2), such as restricted and Prohibited Airspace, Temporary Flight Restrictions, etc. Operations are not authorized in Class E airspace when there is a weather ceiling less than 1,000 feet AGL. If the UAS loses communications or loses its GPS signal, it must return to a predetermined location within the operating area and land. The pilot in command must abort the flight in the event of unpredicted obstacles or emergencies.
The latter gives you legal authorization to fly your drone, the DJI AUTH part enables your drone to fly in the blue areas. Without it, the drone won't even take off.