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Angry neighbor

Does your neighborhood allow dogs? What about drums? Power tools? Small children? WIND CHIMES?

ANY noise can "bother" someone if they aren't in control of making it stop. So? Your point? When I purchased my property I didn't agree to never create noise, I agreed to follow the laws of my state and the bylaws of my HoA. Until I am running afoul of the rules, if it "bothers" you so much that you need to follow me home, you had better approach me like the non-felon law-abiding citizen I am. If you threaten me, I'm about 100x more likely to send my drone over your house every legal chance I get (again, I dare ya... shoot it down. then when the court orders you to buy me a new one while you fight desperately to stay out of jail, I'll fly the NEW one over your house every legal chance I get).

That's why there are ordinances against blasting your stereo at 1AM, or doing heavy machine work in your garage at the a-crack of dawn. Those are violations of noise ordinances. Flying over someones house and making a tiny bit of noise (annoying or not), during non violation hours (whatever yours may be) is NOT.

If we keep appeasing everyone the teeniest bit annoyed by drones, we'll lose ground faster than we already are.


(sorry, caps lock, but in hindsight I'm going to leave it for emPHAsis)
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I suppose it depends on where you are, I too can hear mine at 400 feet..

It's audible even over 1,000 feet up - again, depends on the wind, what the Mavic is doing, and ambient noise.

Not the point though.. I'm with MavicPilot13. Everyone creates a "noise signature" - be it your car driving by, your dog, the garbage man, kids playing, lawn mowers, leaf blowers... You get it.

I live in a pretty dense suburban development - over 1,500 homes. I fly everywhere in the neighborhood -- I don't buzz rooftops, hover or fly past 10pm. I have had 0 complaints (but plenty of people asking questions.)

People's prejudice and fears about technology are not my issue.
From my experience

In the city if there is traffic noise or idling Diesel engines nearby mavic is whisper quiet even at low altitude.

Out in the country where the environment is quiet mavic is easily heard at 400' elevation for a distance of several hundred feet, especially in sport mode.
Yeah I had one situation where I was flying at a fairly large public park, and some rich, entitled white dude who lived in a house adjacent to the park ran out and immediately was aggressive and confrontational, DEMANDING I bring it in, threatening to call the police. When I told him he's welcome to but I'm not doing anything illegal, he said I should be flying above 500ft and that he'll get city council to ban it....what a prick. I stood my ground and told him he has exactly the wrong approach to get what he wants, at least from me. I was polite the whole time and explained to him the guidelines etc. After he understood that intimidation would get him absolutely nowhere with me, he changed his tune to "don't you think we're all entitled to peace and quiet?" which I can't argue with, but the dude chose to live next to a public park with basketball and screaming kids. I don't like louda$$ Harley's, but I still put up with it because there's a baseline of crud that you just have to be at peace with if you want to live in any reasonably large town/neighborhood. If you want absolute quiet, I'm sorry but you had better live in the woods. I'm sorry, but you can put up with 20-40 min of mavic noise once a week. And if you approach me with that kind of attitude, expect that you're about twice as likely to have flyovers.
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I have a drone but I will shoot any drones that flies over my property because I just got into the slingshot community.

The general public just doesn't understand and know we pilots wouldn't risk thousand dollars equipment just to spy on others. It's just the bad eggs that did it that gave us a bad name. Nothing much we can do besides educating others about it.
The crazies live amongst us. You never know what sets people off. I bet your neighbor will hear someone using a weed eater and think you're flying your drone.

Try not to loiter in any one area.

Vary routes home if you're flying in the neighborhood.

I flew from inside of my parked car and saw a guy driving around trying to find me :)
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Noob here...

Had my first run-in with a neighbor who apparently isn't a fan of drones. He followed my mavic back to my house, got out of his van and confronted me. He told me he didn't want me flying over his property. I asked him where he lives but he just told me the street name. He told me if I fly over his property he'll shoot it down. I told him if he did he'll have the police at his door.

I drove down his road and saw his van. He's only a street away so I've probably flown over him several times, always 250-400 ft.

Question is, should I go to the police to let them know about the threat to shoot it down? Not to press charges or anything - just to document the threat in case he either carries out his threat or visits my house again in the future now that he knows where I live. He lives close enough that it would be hard to fly in the area and not go over or near his property.

Any similar experiences out there?
I highly doubt the idiot will shoot down your drone as I suspect he can go to jail for shooting a gun if you are in an urban or suburban area. This guy is most likely a miserable person that likes to complain about anything and everything. You should ask other neighbors if they know the guy. You may find that this guy doesn't get along with anyone.
Noob here...

Had my first run-in with a neighbor who apparently isn't a fan of drones. He followed my mavic back to my house, got out of his van and confronted me. He told me he didn't want me flying over his property. I asked him where he lives but he just told me the street name. He told me if I fly over his property he'll shoot it down. I told him if he did he'll have the police at his door.

I drove down his road and saw his van. He's only a street away so I've probably flown over him several times, always 250-400 ft.

Question is, should I go to the police to let them know about the threat to shoot it down? Not to press charges or anything - just to document the threat in case he either carries out his threat or visits my house again in the future now that he knows where I live. He lives close enough that it would be hard to fly in the area and not go over or near his property.

Any similar experiences out there?
where do you live ?
Well NH has very strict laws about firing a weapon within so many feet of a roadway, dwelling, etc. He'll still be in jail when you are still flying over his house.
NH does not screw around when it comes to such stuff, we may be a constitutional carry state, but with that right, they expect you to be responsible.
He has threatened to commit a crime, and probably a felony.

I consider any threat of the use of a firearm a threat to me.... I would make sure the local PD are aware of it

I am on pretty good terms with my local PD and FD as afar as the Mavic, they have seen my work on the local FB page and have even asked for some of my pictures to use in promotional material,

Go introduce yourself to the local PD and have a chat with them.

In the mean time, head over to Rileys and buy yourself a nice Model 19 revolver.
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You didn't hear what he said to the man in the video? And I didn't see any hot tubs in his video did you?
Thanks jeepdsl. Wasn't really questioning the legality - just wondering if it makes sense to mention the confrontation to the police in case of future issues.

I live in NH. There's a bill in the state legislature that proposes a minimum altitude of 250' over private property but nothing that's been passed.

In some places it could be a felony for even a threat to a operator of a plane which we have. I think it's about 100+ ft you should be when flyin over people's property to where your totally fine. I wouldn't trip over guy unless something happens again. He shoots it down hey he's the one paying for another drone not you.
Thanks jeepdsl. Wasn't really questioning the legality - just wondering if it makes sense to mention the confrontation to the police in case of future issues.

I live in NH. There's a bill in the state legislature that proposes a minimum altitude of 250' over private property but nothing that's been passed.

If he ever shoots at it or threatens to shoot at it - you can report it to the DOJ. Tell him he can get up to 5 years just for that threat. Not to mention local ordinances he will likely be breaking for discharge of a firearm near residences.

Here is what the FAA told me in an email about this very thing:

Thank you for contacting the Federal Aviation Administration. Shooting down or taking down a drone is a federal crime.

Please review 18 United States Code Section 32 (18 U.S. Code § 32 - Destruction of aircraft or aircraft facilities).

Please note, this is a criminal statute and is enforced by the Department of Justice. Any questions on its applicability should be directed to DOJ (Contact the Department | DOJ | Department of Justice).
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If a neighbour complains about his privacy being invaded by your drone, simply explain to him about the red lights on the front of the Mavic!
If he still complains, kick him really hard in the nuts and blame it on a nervous tic that you've recently acquired due to people making unreasonable demands about your flying! :D
Noob here...

Had my first run-in with a neighbor who apparently isn't a fan of drones. He followed my mavic back to my house, got out of his van and confronted me. He told me he didn't want me flying over his property. I asked him where he lives but he just told me the street name. He told me if I fly over his property he'll shoot it down. I told him if he did he'll have the police at his door.

I drove down his road and saw his van. He's only a street away so I've probably flown over him several times, always 250-400 ft.

Question is, should I go to the police to let them know about the threat to shoot it down? Not to press charges or anything - just to document the threat in case he either carries out his threat or visits my house again in the future now that he knows where I live. He lives close enough that it would be hard to fly in the area and not go over or near his property.

Any similar experiences out there?

If I were you I would absolutely go to the police and at least get this on paper like you said. Get a paper trail going so that way if anything happens you have some documentation. I'm not quite sure where you live or your precise location but if you are within city limits in any jurisdiction and you fire off a weapon then that person is more trouble Than You by flying your drone over their property. If this guy is made this much of a stink about the thing to begin with then I would just leave it alone and avoid his property at all cost. Sounds like somebody's a little bit off their meds or something so just don't push it. You also don't know what kind of a judge you're going to have if something happens in the guy doesn't actually shoot you down with a weapon but actually uses his camera to take pictures of your drone on his property or over his property I should say and he has gone out of his way to make a big deal and go to your house and tell you not to do it. So just use caution judges nowadays are being a little weary about the whole drone situation because they don't like them. It's just like anything new that comes out there people are weary about what they can do and what they can't do. Think back when cell phones first came out and people were taking pictures with him and how many complaints were made against people for taking photos of other people not to mention videos. People were fighting going to court hurting each other and it was just absolutely ridiculous so please take caution in all that you do with your drone until this whole newness wears off. Like I have said in other posts that I have been on here I have been flying in my neighborhood now for 6 months and I have not had any complaints whatsoever because I have gone almost to everyone's door and said that you will see a drone flying over its mine it'll usually be at 400 ft and I will not be hanging around your windows taking pictures at any time. I've had most people come to me and say thank you for being respectful and letting us know that it's going to be over head. And also they have said have fun flying. I live a block and a half away from a fire department and four blocks away from a substation for the police department. I have flown over both and again no one has made any complaints or come to me and made a big stink about anything. It's all how you talk to people and how you let people know and be informative and just take all that unknowingness out of things and the main thing is when you have a protective father who has daughters and the first thing they think is you are doing something that's going to be intrusive on their daughter's privacy. Just be careful what you doing I'm sure you'll be fine. But also make sure you keep a log of everything that happens with this guy because it looks like he could be down the road. Times dates and places is very important and also like I said in the beginning make sure you let the police know that he has made a unreasonable threat against you by saying he will shoot you down if you fly over his property again. That is not how normal people act and it certainly is not how reasonable and responsible people act. Please be careful out there and fly safe. Take care brother
I WOULD tell the cops. Also tell them you won't fly over his house. The police may pay him a call to caution him about discharging a firearm in the city limits. Chances are his other neighbors know what a jerk he is.
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