Have any of you had continued app crash problems on the note 20 Ultra?
I have a note 20 ultra and the
Air 2s.
My fly app freezes the altitude and distance numbers, freezes the battery meter and time of flight left, freezes the compass (while it appears to be spinning, the relative position of home, the controller, and the aircraft do not change) the settings lock out, it puts itself into FPV mode, disables sideways flight, and frequently asks for firmware updates when I have no data signal while confirming I'm up to date whenever I'm connected to wifi or data, and on occasion the app closes itself.
Unless the app crashes and closes on it's own, with all other issues listed, I have to force close the app and restart it... Which gets me about 90 seconds of food flight before it happens again.
I've had several tickets open with customer care. The problem began after I used my first care refresh replacement. It started on the first flight with the replacement drone. I opened a ticket immediately. A week later, an error in the app caused me to have a minor crash that seemed to interfere with the gps. The support center asked me to send it in... Then they charged me $110 to fix it. I didn't use my care refresh on that occasion. I opted to pay for the repair.. then, they sent me a different drone. ?
third drone (second replacement), same issues.
I've sent videos. I've sent photos. I've pleaded with them.. their response...
"The altitude and distance are an approximation.
Uninstall and reinstall the app.
Send the drone in again. (Presumably so they can make more money from me to fix a bug in their programming.)
Get a new smart phone."
The last suggestion to get a new smartphone really boiled my blood.
Let me know your experience.
Thank you