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Asked the Chief of Police

  • Thread starter FormerMember06292019_2
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I've read/seen video of unfortunate interactions with police regarding drones. Usually a one-sided account so the whole story is sometimes hard to get (there's a good example of this in the "Do not fly in Key West" thread). I had a good one yesterday.

I went to our local cop shop and was trying to find out if our city had any specific drone ordinances or other information. Got a chance to talk to our chief of police no less. His view was concise, "As long as you're following the FAA rules and not being a vouyeur, have fun."

Hard to see a problem with that view on things. My guess, if I started part 107 operations I'd be in good shape sending a note to our police dispatch a couple hours prior and they'd be thrilled to leave me alone. Not saying it's always going to work but a little two-way conversation before things happen might keep things from happening.
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LEO’s are people similar to the rest of us. They don’t look for the good guys, they look for the bad guys. If you provide the bad, they will find you.
Pretty simple choice on which side of the fence you choose to follow, and who will be following you. We just need to make the right decisions with this hobby.
I always notify dispatch when doing drone operations in public spaces. When they get a call from a concerned citizen they can tell them not to be concerned as they know who is flying, why they are flying and how long they will be flying that day. ;-)
I did the same thing before doing a shoot. Went by the city police station, the dispatcher asked the chief, and he said all ok, follow FAA, etc. Then the dispatcher went one step further and told me that if anyone called in about a drone spying on them, she would tell them it is an authorized flight. It really really helped to let them know beforehand and have them on my side.
Have you seen how many police officers have applied for a 107 daytime waivers with the FAA? Cops are people who fly drones too!

I am an LEO and fly for work and for myself. I do have a daylight waiver also. Almost every 107 pilot in my area works in law enforcement. The only time I have ever stopped to talk to a pilot was when he was landing from doing a building inspection in our town. We had a great conversation about our industry and talked about our drones that each of us fly. I can learn something from EVERYBODY. You probably would be surprised just how many LEO’s are genuinely interested in our industry/hobby.
I am an LEO and fly for work and for myself. I do have a daylight waiver also. Almost every 107 pilot in my area works in law enforcement. The only time I have ever stopped to talk to a pilot was when he was landing from doing a building inspection in our town. We had a great conversation about our industry and talked about our drones that each of us fly. I can learn something from EVERYBODY. You probably would be surprised just how many LEO’s are genuinely interested in our industry/hobby.

Do you do SAR?
Do you do SAR?

I have attended the DSAR training in Mentone and will also attend the next one near Atlanta. I also was one of the pilots that helped in the Bankhead National Forest SAR earlier this month. I’m new to this forum but you’d probably recognize me in person. We met in Mentone.
I have attended the DSAR training in Mentone and will also attend the next one near Atlanta. I also was one of the pilots that helped in the Bankhead National Forest SAR earlier this month. I’m new to this forum but you’d probably recognize me in person. We met in Mentone.

Were you carrying a sidearm? If so, I remember you!
LEO’s are people similar to the rest of us. They don’t look for the good guys, they look for the bad guys. If you provide the bad, they will find you.
Pretty simple choice on which side of the fence you choose to follow, and who will be following you. We just need to make the right decisions with this hobby.

I believe the overwhelming majority are just looking for bad guys and choose not to hassle those of us who are following the law.

There are the few that are completely wrong about the rukes in regards to drones and choose to act inappropriately.

I’ve worked in public safety my entire adult life and cops and firefighters are just a cross section of society like you or me. Most people want to do good, some choose to misbehave.

You can be doing everything by the book and still end up in handcuffs.
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Good stuff here!
I have never thought of going in to the local police station and introducing myself as a drone flyer.
Wait. I had better make sure I don't have any warrants out for my arrest first!
Just kidding!
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I have never thought about going in to the police station, but I always reach out to the chief of police or at least email the police email address anytime I am going to be traveling to a new area. It helps to ensure that you know the laws and they are always very helpful and thankful that I would take the time. It ensures a good and safe trip.
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