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Batteries in the Refrigerator of Freezer


New Member
Jul 6, 2024
Utah, USA
Hello All,

Okay, I think my question and thread has not been brought up or discussed. Referring to the process of recharging my batteries, and an idea I came up with. I want to play it safe with my idea and ask all of you for your input.

While flying my DJI Mini 4 Pro, and Mavic 3 Pro when one battery becomes low, I replace with a fully charged battery. NOW I'M HOLDING A HOT (Well warm) BATTERY IN MY HAND. I want to get the battery I pulled out of my drone recharged ASAP. I never, never recharge a battery while it's hot / warm. Then my idea came, and my question.

Would it harm the batteries in any way if I immediately put the battery into a cooler, the refrigerator, even the freezer. Would this give the poor hot battery a SHOCK, and do damage. Or, would that poor hot battery say 'thank you' for putting them in my cooler, refrigerator, or freezer.

'Keep the Buzzin' and Dronin' Going'

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I would NEVER do that! BUT Thats just me being overly careful.
I know plenty of pilots that do it. ( putting them in coolers with blue icepaks) They have never had a problem with doing it.
I have a little row of small USB powered fans I put those and the batteries in the shade and as I remove the Batteries I place them under the fans Works great and temps here this time of year average around 106 with some days of 112 on up.
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Hello from the Crossroads of America Curtiscop.

Nice to meet you Curtis. 🤝

I agree with Cafguy and wouldn't do it myself.

The fans are a good idea and perhaps proper air conditioning in a car.

I wouldn't put them in a cooler as the moisture may condense inside the battery and damage the battery.

To avoid this, purchase extra batteries.

I was up to nine batteries when I flew my SPARK since the flight time was about fifteen minutes and the batteries wouldn't cool off fast enough to put in the charger.

Your results may vary.

Welcome to the Forum. :cool:

Yeah, I would be worried about condensation too. I would hope that DJI have conformal coated the BMS board, but I'd still worry about any sort of moisture being anywhere near LiPo batteries...

So... have the people that say it's fine been merely lucky, or is there some other reason we don't have to worry about that ?
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