So, the usual lipo thread.
All sorts of technically correct advice, all utterly impractical in the world of human beings. In the drone world, this is much like BVLOS flight... Everyone wags their finger and publicly present themselves as utterly compliant, while in reality most of us fly BVLOS regularly.
Same with charging. Don't charge unattended.
I'd venture that north of 99% of drone battery charge cycles happens unattended. Doesn't matter what good advice is dispensed, people are people.
Now, that wet blanket thrown, IMO the risk of catastrophic failure is tiny. Failure statistics prove it. Especially with DJI Intelligent Batteries. The concern articulated here every time this subject comes up is way overblown. WAY.
Risk is not solely the severity of a failure. The likelihood of a failure is a part of the assessment as well. The result of a total brake failure in your car is pretty catastrophic, but we take no mitigating measures and don't worry about it when we get in the car because it just doesn't happen to any significant degree.
As with DJI batteries. They don't blow up. Catch fire. spew toxic gasses. They are very, very well engineered, for safety, from many years of refinement.
Rest easy folks, and just charge your DJI batteries as specified. Don't get all nervous they're going to explode. There are other risks of failure that burns your house down, like your water heater. Treat your DJI batteries like you do your lipo powered cell phone, and you'll be fine.