I just purchased a mavic pro live in San Jose. Have a couple questions. Any good place to fly that a couple people go to? What kind of accessories anyone recommend. I already got the cops called on me this morning for flying in my back yard. I do have to check the laws in san jose. Any pointers people can give me? Thanks.
Do I need to register this thing with the faa if it is a hobby? Also do you know where I can find the rules an regulations for drones in santa clara county? I have been trying to google it but cant find anything. Do you live in the same area? I just had the cops called on me this morning for flying net to someones window.
There is a link on this site somewhere about FAA laws.
Actually live in Thailand now but all my friends are in San Jose where i lived for a long time. Know the area well.
I will say flying around anyones window will get the SJPD on the Horn. As I mentioned people in SJ are complainers if you fly in neighborhood. Best to go fly way outside SJ. Going South past the hwy 152 exit is open areas and loads of farmland. I flew out off Eureka drive in Newark.
Sunnyvale Bayland's Park. There's a meeting on 8/26/17 this month. Maybe I'll see you there. You do not necessarily need to register your drone. The FAA lost the court case and is issuing refunds for anyone who requests it using a form they issued out who no longer wants to be registered.
Sunnyvale Bayland's Park. There's a meeting on 8/26/17 this month. Maybe I'll see you there. You do not necessarily need to register your drone. The FAA lost the court case and is issuing refunds for anyone who requests it using a form they issued out who no longer wants to be registered.
I tried downloading the app to see whats up but cant figure out how to use it. Hopefully someone can help me when I come out. But meanwhile what time are you guys meeting that day?