PREP for your trip by inspecting your gear and identifying any suspect batteries (bulging, discolored, visual damage of any kind) and REPLACE them. Make sure you label/mark all your gear in case it gets mishandled. PHOTOGRAPH your packed items in the case for your records and evidence in the event of loss or damage. Ensure your contact info is on the inside and outside of your case. Consider a tracking tag in the event it gets gate checked.
TELL the TSA peeps what your screening ahead of their looking, saves a great deal of trouble after they see it on the screen and try to understand what they are seeing. Expect it to get flagged for a visual screen and ticket wipe (explosives detection) as almost all photo gear gets this scrutiny. Asking the TSA screener to please be careful as its photo gear helps them understand.
NO BATTERIES in checked luggage EVER. If your flight gets full, or your last/late to board (no more overhead space), have a plan for removing batteries and hand carrying them. Gate agents get very aggressive about gate checking hand carried luggage on full flights. A good hard case with foam will protect your drone and remote if that happens but the batteries need to go with you in the cabin. Painters tape over the contacts in case you need to hand carry is always a good idea.
If your flight has multiple segments and your connections are on regional aircraft, make sure your case is sized to fit these smaller aircraft. Otherwise be prepared to carry batteries separately as nearly ALL carry ons get gate checked on regional jets. Be patient and explain why you need to hand carry your gear, it may work.
Note that some asian carriers are getting much more restrictive with battery devices (targeting power packs used onboard for extended power or device recharge - most are now prohibited) and that you may run into difficulties as your equipment looks similar
Airlines don't care about why your taking the drone, your certification status, or FAA operational requirements for flying them, they are concerned about enforcing their dangerous goods/hazmat regs, which are intended to try and prevent and minimize risk of inflight fire and save lives.
Expect more regulatory requirements re: battery operated devices like these and flying due to the continued increase of in flight events involving thermal runaway. There is no good way to handle an in flight thermal runaway event, so lets do our part as a community of practice in helping to prevent them.
Lastly, in the event of a cabin evacuation, leave your **** and get out! People who insist on grabbing their stuff delay evacuation and risk countless lives out of complete selfishness. People who instagram evacs instead of helping others deserve a special place in hell (after they get out of jail for risking a catastrophe).
Have fun, fly safe, wear your seat belt (all the time).