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Best settings to start with for new Pilot


Well-Known Member
Dec 3, 2017
As a new pilot, I would love some help with the best settings to start with. I know they are there so you can customize for very specific scenarios or needs, but assuming I'm new to drones (I am) and want to be using the Mavic for aerial vacation videos ultimately (while just having fun flying with it and general usage the rest of the time) - what are the best settings to start with for an "average user" like this?

Here are the settings I'm curious about:

General Settings
  • Cache Map in Background: ??
  • Max Video Cache Capacity: ?? default is 2gb
Main Controller Settings
  • Multiple Flight Modes: I enabled it. Any reason not to?
  • Return to Home Altitude: ?? Should I set it to some value?
  • Advanced Settings: Anything I should mess with right now?
Visual Navigation Settings
  • Enable Obstacle Avoidance: I did. Any reason not to?
Remote Controller Settings
  • C1 Button: What should I set this to? What is most popular/common?
  • C2 Button: What should I set this to? What is most popular/common?
  • 5D Button: What would be most useful here?
Gimbal Settings
  • Gimbal Pitch Speed: What would be best here for general photography use?
  • Gimbal Pitch Smoothness: What would be best here?

Thanks in advance. If there's a a cheat sheet like this or a great beginner guide that gets into this stuff - feel free to point me in the direction. I did some searching but didn't find something like this...
Cache Map in Background
Enable this setting so you're able to cache the maps.

Multiple Flight Modes: I enabled it. Any reason not to
You'll want to keep this enabled so you can use other flight modes.

Return to Home Altitude
Before flying in a new location, set this to the highest obstacle above the takeoff point plus 50 feet. That'll ensure your Mavic can clear any obstacles on the way back to the home point if it needs to RTH for some reason. FYI, this setting must always be set in meters.

All of the other settings you mentioned are a personal preference. Explore them. Try them out. See what works best for you.
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As a new pilot, I would love some help with the best settings to start with. I know they are there so you can customize for very specific scenarios or needs, but assuming I'm new to drones (I am) and want to be using the Mavic for aerial vacation videos ultimately (while just having fun flying with it and general usage the rest of the time) - what are the best settings to start with for an "average user" like this?

Here are the settings I'm curious about:

General Settings
  • Cache Map in Background: ??
  • Max Video Cache Capacity: ?? default is 2gb
Main Controller Settings
  • Multiple Flight Modes: I enabled it. Any reason not to?
  • Return to Home Altitude: ?? Should I set it to some value?
  • Advanced Settings: Anything I should mess with right now?
Visual Navigation Settings
  • Enable Obstacle Avoidance: I did. Any reason not to?
Remote Controller Settings
  • C1 Button: What should I set this to? What is most popular/common?
  • C2 Button: What should I set this to? What is most popular/common?
  • 5D Button: What would be most useful here?
Gimbal Settings
  • Gimbal Pitch Speed: What would be best here for general photography use?
  • Gimbal Pitch Smoothness: What would be best here?

Thanks in advance. If there's a a cheat sheet like this or a great beginner guide that gets into this stuff - feel free to point me in the direction. I did some searching but didn't find something like this...
Having spent hours reading the manuals, two forums, and many hours of videos, I strongly suggest the manuals, page-for-page, starting in beginner mode, then an hour or two in Tripod mode, then going to youtube and searching out the various 'settings' videos. It's the best education you can find without getting the important stuff ignored.
While I agree that you should RTFM end to end, I also understand that you want to take your new toy out for a spin ASAP :)

Just stay in beginner mode, use Tripod mode, set RTH altitude to the height of the biggest tree/building around you plus 50 feet, and keep your finger on the pause button on the remote, in case the drone starts to do something you weren't expecting. And you should be fine.

Then take your time and try to learn all you can about the machine. It's very cool and capable of many things.
Same suggestions as above. Read, read ,read , and watch lots of videos. the manual is your new best friend get to know him or her from front to back. Settings are to each his own for the most part. well as far as Heights and modes and how long you've been in the hobby. for C 1 & C2 . I guess you could make a pole post to find out whats the top choice . But I use C2 for toggle front red lights on/off and C1 for center focus. But at times I also use C1 to rotate cam straight down. Im still finding what works best for me too. Dont forget to use your D button and get use to using it. Zoom is really cool for 1080P . Nice feature. Tons to learn. My best suggestion; Get a note book and fill it in as you learn.
Don't under any circumstances attempt to fly indoors!

As suggested check your surroundings for the highest obstacle and set your RTH altitude slightly higher.

Always check that you have the correct home point set at take off.

Fly within sight and don't try any fancy moves until you are more confident

Take out the DJI care refresh may well need it, well worth the £$99.00 if you indeed need to claim.
Note : I donot enable the craft to back up by itself, or go around anything if it sensors something in its way. I have those turned off. This Drone does not have rear or side avoidance sensors. Id rather have it stop then go around on its own and crash into something. But keeping that in mind your RTH height must be high enough to go over anything and everything between it and home . I think I'm at 73 M Its best to fly up to something you believe is the highest thing around and check the screen when your at that height , then add 50' . Convert the measurement into meters.
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There are no "best" settings. They will need changing depending on the circumstance and the subjects. You DO need to know how the 3 types of RTH and how each works. Also know how the precision landing function works if you plan to use it. If you are flying beyond LOS, learn how to read the app info to be able to fly home without relying on the RTH button. For capturing video, slower gimbal and yaw movements are almost always better. Obstacle avoidance can be an issue when flying with the sun low in the sky. Your aircraft may very well try to climb up and over the sun and probably not succeed. This can be problem when RTH is active also. I would get comfortable with flying first, then worry about customizing buttons, using the flight modes, adjusting video and photo settings, etc.
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I thought there was a default value if you didn’t set it. Guess I’m wrong.
The default setting is 30 meters. That might or might not be good enough depending on where you fly.
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Thanks for the help guys.

I’ve already outgrown beginner mode, LOL. BTW - I have RTFM. And skimmed it a couple more times. I have flown many times - up to 250 ft. In altitude and just far enough to where I could barely see it before I brought it home. I’ve practice plenty of figure 8s, fast and slow turns, landing in various locations, bringing it home with the Return to Home button, testing the obstacle avoidance (slowly and carefully), took a picture of myself in Gesture mode, etc, etc.

So I’m not a complete noob. Just trying to take my knowledge to the next level.

For example - correct me if I’m wrong - but the manual doesn’t give you suggested alternative settings for different scenarios... or what people have found to be most useful. That’s what I’m getting at...

Like C1 default is for center focus, and C2 for playback if I recall. Or it changes to other functions when using waypoints. But I’ve read others program these to do different things. I thought you experienced folks may have found them to be more useful when programmed differently.

And Gimbal Pitch Speed and Smoothness. I’m guessing there’s some reason it defaults to where it is. But it seems like slower speed would make for nicer video. Do most people slow it down? Seems the only drawback would be taking its time to get to where you want it aimed. And smoothness... Why wouldn’t I want it “most smooth”? I’m sure there’s a trade off I’m not aware of and figured experienced folks would know.

I know you should set the RTH height, but for some reason, it sounded like there was a default in there if you don’t set it. Guess I was wrong. I’ll set it to 50’ above nearby obstacles (usually trees in my case.)

(Oh and I did by the DJI Care Refresh insurance. Seemed a prudent thing to do for the 1st year of ownership of my first expensive drone).
Same suggestions as above. Read, read ,read , and watch lots of videos. the manual is your new best friend get to know him or her from front to back. Settings are to each his own for the most part. well as far as Heights and modes and how long you've been in the hobby. for C 1 & C2 . I guess you could make a pole post to find out whats the top choice . But I use C2 for toggle front red lights on/off and C1 for center focus. But at times I also use C1 to rotate cam straight down. Im still finding what works best for me too. Dont forget to use your D button and get use to using it. Zoom is really cool for 1080P . Nice feature. Tons to learn. My best suggestion; Get a note book and fill it in as you learn.

Thanks for your feedback on C1 and C2. I’ll think about different options that may be useful to me, but I think the rotate cam straight down sounds like a good one.

And I do need to get to know the 5D button better.
The default setting is 30 meters. That might or might not be good enough depending on where you fly.

Awesome -thank you. I thought there was something because when i tested RTH it flew up, over, and then down to land. Will definitely program it higher.
Obstacle avoidance can be an issue when flying with the sun low in the sky. Your aircraft may very well try to climb up and over the sun and probably not succeed.

Ahh - good to know. So that answers my question of “why not just always keep it on.” Thanks!!
I thought there was a default value if you didn’t set it. Guess I’m wrong.

Yes, the default is 30m, but it doesn't matter because this is the value you must evaluate before every flight and adjust if necessary depending on where you fly and other factors. Asking what RTH altitude should be set to is a clear indication that the pilot didn't RTFM and is on a fast track to posting yet another "unexpected crash" in the Help forum.
I thought there was something because when i tested RTH

BTW - I have RTFM. And skimmed it a couple more times. I have flown many times - up to 250 ft. In altitude and just far enough to where I could barely see it before I brought it home.

Yes, the default is 30m, but it doesn't matter because this is the value you must evaluate before every flight and adjust if necessary depending on where you fly and other factors. Asking what RTH altitude should be set to is a clear indication that the pilot didn't RTFM and is on a fast track to posting yet another "unexpected crash" in the Help forum.

If it’s so important, you’d think they would put it in the “Preflight Checklist” (which I copied to my phone notepad and referred to before taking off).

Or the Takeoff/Landing Procedures. Or some other prominent place besides in a call out box on “RTH Safety Notices”.

It’s a lot to digest and remember. But now I won’t forget!
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