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Best way for ascending forward


Apr 12, 2020

What is the best/most efficient way to ascend forward with a drone? Is it better to first ascend and then fly forward or just go diagonally (up and forward same time). I know diagonally is the shortest way but is it most efficient? I mean for the rotors and energy they use.
I hope you get what I'm trying to ask :/
Forward movement will allow the rotors to gain some lift from air flowing over them instead of brute motor force alone, however in the real world and the speeds you'll likely be flying I don't think you would notice much if any gain to battery life. Unless you are moving forward at a pretty brisk speed I doubt it would help at all.

Someone smarter than me might could find the most efficient combination of forward movement and climb speed with some real numbers, maybe even call out some V-speeds like a Vtocs. But to answer your question at it's most simple terms, yes forward movement will add efficiency in a climb. The diagonal you describe, as the shortest way also adds efficiency by the fact it will reduce time spent getting there.

For different aerodynamic reasons I also find it's best to maintain forward (or on a rotary drone actually any direction) movement in a fast decent as well, aids stability considerably.
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Welcome the the forum @t4nk

If you want to get from A to B / push both sticks upward and adjust flight parameters with the sticks as needed.

To go _ then |
or | then _
to get somewhere higher and away is just rather pointless, unless you wanted to film in any of those directions.
Usually angled / curving flights are much more interesting video too.

I doubt very much there would be any real advantage to either of the 3 methods as far as energy efficiency goes, it'd just drive me nuts to do either of the single direction options, knowing I can ascend and pitch forward to get there.
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for me the biggest advantage for climbing while flying forwards at the same time is it gives the best signal path between the RC and AC
straight up overhead can give a reduced signal due to the position of the RC antenna in relation to the AC it really depends on the surroundings you are flying over
sometimes you need to climb first before going on a particular heading
I always take off and ascend and fly forward into the wind with the drone facing away from me. It is also better to descend while applying forward movement. Just as a habit I try to always land with the drone facing away from me as well for easier orientation. Happy flying!
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If you have a look at your manual, you'll find that DJI quote Max flight time with a conditional attached. For my Mav Pro Platinum, it says "(0 wind at a consistent 15.5 mph (25 Kph))". This is telling us that at 15.5 mph (I'm assuming that's a forward speed), there is an aerodynamic lift component that takes weight off the aircraft and reduces the power required to lift it. The implication is also that the Max flight time would be reduced - if you were to just simply hover the drone over one spot.
That tells me that the most 'efficient' way to fly to a higher altitude is to do it while travelling forward ... The question then becomes one of "what speed do you climb at to get the least battery drain?"
When I trained as a glider and Private pilot, I was taught never to make turns without using both rudder and aileron. I make sure I do this with my Mavic too, and often [corkscrew] climb using a combination of thrust, yaw and roll.
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