You are not the only one. It also just happend to me while my controller was in my camera bag.
Did you already find a solution/replacement for it

Well honestly, I kept forgetting about it. haha. Your message reminded me about it. So I have been working on this for about an hour now. Here's what has happened so far...
- Called the support #
- The automated message suggest I use their online support
- So I went to their online chat/support
- Spent a ridiculous amount of time with some mindless drone who couldn't comprehend the most basic concepts
- I finally got fed up and closed the chat window
- Called the support # again
- Got put in a queue (only 1 person ahead of me it said)
- About 15 minutes later, it says I'm in.... and it rings again... then silence... waiting waiting... then hangs up.
- I called back again and now I'm #3 in the queue
Some of the highlights from the online support chat...
Support: "When did you buy the Mavic"
Me: "December"
Support: "Of which year?"
Me: "2016. The Mavic has only been available since Oct 2016"
Support: "Is it under warranty?"
Me: "Well I think it has a 1 year warranty and it hasn't even been available for a year"
Support: "I need the invoice"
Me: "I don't have an invoice, I bought it online from Best Buy. Do you want a screen shot of it or for me to email you the delivery confirmation?"
Support: "You need to attach the invoice"
Support: "Do you want to send it in for repair?"
Me: "I was hoping you could just send a replacement button"
Support: "It's not possible"
Me: "Why not?"
Support: "It has to be sent in for diagnosis"
Me: "The diagnosis is that is that the button fell out and it needs a new one."
Support: "We have to evaluate it"
Me: "Bye"