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Buzzing Disney ?

As a real pilot, I can tell you that Disney is about the only civilian organization that actually owns or has control over it's own airrspace above it. No aircraft are permitted to fly over the Disney World property in Florida, no choppers, no fixed wing, nothing. So of course no drones either or the FAA will be down on you.
Another one we will never know till someone tries. Do you have enough drones to do all these things?
Make sure you are recording, and let us know! :D

I just realized it’s the same poster....

I guess there is no need for multiple drones. I suspect only one of these is something he can try before going to jail.

Or he has nano tech to do this in stealth.
I have a strong feeling he is brave and curious. Hopefully, we will soon have answers. Maybe from the evening news, but answers just the same! :D
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I did it years ago (1984) when flying was much less restrictive. It was fun racing around spaceship earth at Epcot with 2 other planes at around 200'. Now I believe I'd be shot down. Things we did when we were young and reckless.
i got bricked at my moms house in cali for being 3 miles form disny. so i cant fly in my yard,,, or my house,, because of disny? must be nice. nld should send them a thank you letter! that led me to root my drone. letting a private corp get away with this is unacceptable. so problem solved on my end!
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I was in Disney Not to long ago and can say...
Never saw any thing in the airspace above or the park
so I would have to say
................................................ No to buzzing Disney
That's not to say I have never been in Disney while Buzzed....Just saying....cR
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Well just because they think their better then the rest of us is why they will never see a dime of my money.:p:D:eek::rolleyes:o_O
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Well just because they think their better then the rest of us is why they will never see a dime of my money.:p:D:eek::rolleyes:o_O
Bold statement! Either you dont have children, or you have unhappy children :D
You may want to look into what all is included under the "Disney" umbrella. You probably have already given them more money than you think.
Well just because they think their better then the rest of us is why they will never see a dime of my money.:p:D:eek::rolleyes:o_O
I feel your pain but with me it's DJI.
Then I think without DJI I would not be able inter act with the great people I meet on this forum..and you.!
The article above is 2 1/2 years old in case no one noticed. Disney still has the permanent TFR. And they refuse to allow anyone to fly within the zone. Including valid commercial pilots who have a valid mission outside of the Disney grounds but still within the radius. .
im curious as to what happens if some one put up a drone at say 400 flew across the whole nfz and landed no marking on the drone all number taken off
im curious as to what happens if some one put up a drone at say 400 flew across the whole nfz and landed no marking on the drone all number taken off
Most likely they will contact police or the rangers to track down the pilot. But even if they can't find the pilot, they will file a compliant to the FAA to probably increase the penalty or the NFZ.
ya i am sure some one can do it, with a modded mavic that hasnt been registered its basically annonouymous, if the piolot was a mile away he/she could easily buzz on by and film then land some where,pretty hard to track a modded bird.
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