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Buzzing Disney ?

im curious as to what happens if some one put up a drone at say 400 flew across the whole nfz and landed no marking on the drone all number taken off

if it is a dji drone it will brick and not go any where until you go to no limit drones. if it was a real terrorist attract they would use a drone that is not tied to nfz probably a non dji drone( or a rooted one). all this does is punish those who follow the rules. same argument as gun control. remember if they out law guns only out laws will have guns,,,,,,,uh well dont think about that last part very long
As cool as the shot might be it would prob do more harm than good imo. You would have a good chance of flying over people which is obviously not in good practice. It would also probably be a nuisance which could cause more distaste towards drones in general. I typically don’t like to fly where I believe it could be viewed negatively. I don’t want to bring any more negative will to the hobby.
oh just to piss off those who think there better then the rest of us, and don't have to follow the same rules just be3cause they have money.I hate snobs
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