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Camera and Video entries in Flight Logs


Jul 17, 2024
Western Cape, South Africa
I have analyzed a few of my flight log data from PhantomHelp flight reader. There are columns with the heading "CAMERA.isPhoto", "CAMERA.isVideo", RC.shutterDepressed, RC.custom1Depressed, RC.custom2Depressed, DETAILS.videoTime , DETAILS.photoNum. Most of these are always False or Clear. e.g.

The statements below refer to normal and waypoint flight's:
DETAILS.videoTime show a reading that is not realistic to the duration of the flight video, e.g. 7275.
CAMERA.filename is always clear
RC.recordDepressed is always False although I recorded video
RC.shutterDepressed is always False although I took Photos
RC.custom1Depressed is always False although I used it to record Waypoints
RC.custom2Depressed is always False although I used it to record set EV Lock

Are these entries updating when you are on Waypoint flights as well?
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No idea concerning way point flights but in my logs "CAMERA.isPhoto", "CAMERA.isVideo" are, when appropriate, populated with values that suggest that the camera is taking a photo or shooting video, in fact my log book program records these events. This code was written in order to help me work out which drone took which photo/video.

From memory it takes 'some time' for the camera to take a photo and there are therefore quite a few cells populated with the relevant value for each photo.
I reollect that "RC.shutterDepressed" also records 'positive' values appropriately. I can't remember about "DETAILS.videoTime" and, off the top of my head' I have the impression that the logs of some/early DJI models recorded the space left on the memory card but that more recent DJO models don't....or vice versa.

Try flying a flight where you shoot both photos and video then sorting its CSV by the relevant column.

I have never looked at either "RC.custom1Depressed" nor "RC.custom2Depressed", in fact I have never noticed those columns.
No idea concerning way point flights but in my logs "CAMERA.isPhoto", "CAMERA.isVideo" are, when appropriate, populated with values that suggest that the camera is taking a photo or shooting video, in fact my log book program records these events. This code was written in order to help me work out which drone took which photo/video.

From memory it takes 'some time' for the camera to take a photo and there are therefore quite a few cells populated with the relevant value for each photo.
I reollect that "RC.shutterDepressed" also records 'positive' values appropriately. I can't remember about "DETAILS.videoTime" and, off the top of my head' I have the impression that the logs of some/early DJI models recorded the space left on the memory card but that more recent DJO models don't....or vice versa.

Try flying a flight where you shoot both photos and video then sorting its CSV by the relevant column.

I have never looked at either "RC.custom1Depressed" nor "RC.custom2Depressed", in fact I have never noticed those columns.
Hi Yorkshire. Thanks for you reply. I went and did a test flight. I made sure I activate/press all the buttons below, but only had a TRUE entry in the log file from one of them. I'm therefore still unsure what they are really there for and where entries like the DETAIL section get there values from

RC.recordDepressed - FALSE
RC.shutterDepressed - FALSE
RC.custom1Depressed - FALSE
RC.custom2Depressed- FALSE
DETAILS.photoNum = 0 (Although about 4 photos were taken
DETAILS.videoTime = 282 (Which is incorrect because the complete flight time recorded was only 2m10s
OSD.flyTime = 2m10s
I would suggest you put an empty card in the drone then fly another test flight, take a KNOWN number of photos and a KNOWN number of short videos.
Then upload the relevant .txt flight log to
and post the URL here.
Then remove the card from the drone and put it in a card-reader attached to a computer, check the number of photos and videos on the card and confirm the numbers in the post that contains the PH URL.

I need to have a look at the coding in my log book program but off the top of my head I used the "isPhoto" column to count the number of photos taken in each flight.
It appears that "DETAILS.photoNum" does differ from my 'isPhoto values' quite frequently but it's a fair while since I wrote/looked-at that coding and those columns and I can't remember if I worked out the reasoning.

Having just looked at the output/log-book, I am not sure whether I used the "isVideo" column or some other column to count the videos but across 4,000 flight logs 112 flight logs show photos being taken and 790 or thereabouts flights show one or more videos being shot.

I can't remember about "DETAILS.videoTime" but have the impression that what is available across the CSVs of GO, Go4 and FLY differ, which complicates matters.

OSD.FlyTime is how long the motors have been running, 2 columns - one in minutes and seconds the other in seconds.
If there is an offset it may be that the log being examined is for the second or more flight flown during one particular drone switch on.

Never looked at RC.customXDepressed, I haven't come up with a reason to do that yet.
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