woodsman 142
New Member
Hi Kevin,Can anyone please help me recover my drone.
I have uploaded the flight record (I think).
I have been to the last loctaion shown and its nowhere to be found, but if i'm reading the data right it still had 30% battery left while there.
Any help would be brilliant.
Know the general area, and just checked Belfast weather conditions during the flight. Wind was Southwest, 12 mph at ground level and a temperature of 5-6 degrees centigrade. At 1300 ft, I estimate a wind speed of 28-30 mph gusting to 40 mph, and a temperature of 2-3 degrees centigrade. I don't know much about the characteristics of your particular drone under those conditions, others here will be better qualified to comment, but I guess it was pretty challenging, especially on RTH facing into the wind on a low battery. Given all this, I would concentrate my search east of the Springfield Road, around the Acacia Avenue area. Hope your search is successful, and with a bit of luck, it won't be too long before you're flying again!