One of the practical uses I’m characterizing for my Mavic Pro Platinum is assisting in locating free range cattle during roundups in central New Mexico. When there is up to forty square miles of open rangeland to locate cattle in, it can make for an awfully long day on horseback—unless there’s an “eye in the sky” to help things out! However, there’s been expressed at times some valid concerns about drones potentially causing a stampede. All my previous flights over cattle have been at 100-150 feet up, and have been virtually ignored by them. Yesterday, I flew over and at times hovered over cattle from 20 feet up and, as the video link shows, they were at best just mildly annoyed. I hope that this helps demonstrate the potential utility of drones in cattle operations and how they can be expected to behave. Looks like it will still take more than a drone to actually drive cattle to where they need to go! LOL!