Despite my skills progressing quite as fast on the cinematography front, these amazing places make it pretty easy to do get some really great shots. I will say, my video editing skills have still been improving and using this MX Master 3S Logic mouse has really helped. By watching a few You tube videos and programing the mouse's many buttons I can really do some complex edits fairly quickly, quickly being a relative term. . . I do wish I had a super computer to go with it, I've been shooting more at 4K 60FPS and that does bog down the playback and then I'm not really able to see playback in real time, jittery, and it makes it tougher. I always have to go back an polish the video up using a rendered copy just so I can see a realtime play back and see the glitches. . .
I actually did get contacted by a Discovery video editor who found me here! Greg. . .he said it actually would be possible, with more work, to have a channel but, I think it is a careful what you wish for case. Being 52 and stuck working long desk hours to perfect my works would likely cripple my training routine, keeping the ranch from going to ruins has been it's own job and soon things will slow down anyway. I'm working with my local planning dept to sub-divide my ranch and build another house or two. I'm used to living in my own new builds, love it, I am a GC by trade. . . and having the second home be a rental will help secure my retirement.