Have you checked out the downloadable user manual..? The SC connects through WiFi, you find the manual here --> https://dl.djicdn.com/downloads/smart+controller/20210122/DJI_Smart_Controller_User_Manual_EN.pdf ... start to read from page 15.
We struggled with the Menu System is that what you mean,
Thanks Marty & Meuzick
I will give it a try I am thinking Hot spots is the way to go. If i can get my I-phone & the SC talking Chinese to each other ILA have it made.
I would like to say thanks for all the helpful suggestions you guys gave me. I was able to get pass the road blocks and get the job done .Got a authorization # and flew around the field across the street..as i was landing a dog came from behind me and attacted the drone, he jumped up and was hit by one of the props the drone stayed up ,so i took it up to 8' or so and chased the mut off . I landed and checked every thing out only damage was a broken prop tip.I got lucky. I got 23 Min air time I was surprised ! we live at 7957' so flying at 8000' and 23 min is excellent I am a happy camper
I was not able to connect my SC to my iPhone personal hot spot to unlock the SC to take off under a LAANCE approval in class E air space and therefore I was not able to fly.There are situations where you have to change your WiFi settings because the current setting are blocking you from connecting. You can research how to change the settings to utilize your home WiFi. The easiest way to connect to internet is via your cell phone and the hot spot feature. It’s potentially better to do it via your phone because out in the field the SC will not have maps. If it’s connected to the hot spot out in the field your maps are good.
Thank you for putting that up about the Hot-Spot, helped me as well.Absolutely
Hello, I can only connect my SC to my iPhone hot spot while the WiFi is up at home and I am at home with my iPhone connected to my HOME WiFi. If I’m out in the field, or if I disconnect my HOME WiFi, then I cannot connect to my iPhone hot spot, which in this case uses cellular data. However, other android phones and devices connect just fine, but not the Mavic 3 SC. Is there a setting or a trick that I need to know about either on the SC or my iPhone? Thank you very much for any and all help.
I am currently fighting with mine as well, wish I could help. Looks like I will have to use Hot-Spot in phone. I'll let you know if it worked for me. It is not a priority project for me though.Hello, I can only connect my SC to my iPhone hot spot while the WiFi is up at home and I am at home with my iPhone connected to my HOME WiFi. If I’m out in the field, or if I disconnect my HOME WiFi, then I cannot connect to my iPhone hot spot, which in this case uses cellular data. However, other android phones and devices connect just fine, but not the Mavic 3 SC. Is there a setting or a trick that I need to know about either on the SC or my iPhone? Thank you very much for any and all help.
Here is another location for the manual, but it IS Version 1.8. https://www.dji.com › smart-controller › downloads
Did you use the controller that came with the mini 2? Or did you use a different controller or just your smart phone?I picked mine up used and reset to factory, then set up my home wifi, updated the firmware and connected to my Mini 2, this thing is amazing! so much better than the factory controller, love not having to use my phone. takes me 30s now to be flying!
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