My local paper recently published a list of of things contained in a so called Drone Bye Law, of my local coucil, which included a written request to fly, a risk assesment in writing, madatory insurance cover, drone size and weight, and purpose of flight, and a list of council land to which these applied ( mainly parks and recreational areas ) No signage or warnings in place. So to that end I requested a copy of the bye-law, by way of the Freedom Of Information Act, I said it was needed so as to present a legal challenge to the bye-law as the air space was controlled by the C.C.A and not by the Council. 6 weeks passed but today I had a very interesting phone call from the Council Solicitor. After trying to blind side me with legal argument, he was soon made aware by myself as to my considerable aviation knowledge, in resect of C.C.A regulations, Air Traffic Acts and the drone code, flight restriction zones , Notams etc which was more than he had. Below I incude his written response.
Just as anside, with regard to the police, such action is carried out when an Antisocial Behaviour Order is in force, and becomes a criminal offence if the order is broken, and after due process initially at Magistrates Court. That didn't frighten me either. I thoroughly agree, that there are privacy concerns and such, but as a responsble pilot,, i take these into consideration. I would recommend that hobbyist fliers research if such asbos are applicable in their area of operation, the scope of likely scenerios for asbo's is emense, however I have yet to read or hear of one

Just as anside, with regard to the police, such action is carried out when an Antisocial Behaviour Order is in force, and becomes a criminal offence if the order is broken, and after due process initially at Magistrates Court. That didn't frighten me either. I thoroughly agree, that there are privacy concerns and such, but as a responsble pilot,, i take these into consideration. I would recommend that hobbyist fliers research if such asbos are applicable in their area of operation, the scope of likely scenerios for asbo's is emense, however I have yet to read or hear of one