Smooth, stable shots with good exposure.
However; I agree with the 3 or 4 min but maybe even cut it to the length of one play of the music end-to-end - just over 2 min.
I also agree with the 'computer-game' effect. Maybe something you applied in post?
To get the viewer to watch the whole video, keep it fresh and changing every few seconds.
Here would have been my shot list:
400' alt approach from the north - a broad overview descending toward the cows (to establish and draw the viewer in to the location)
Just above the waves flying toward the bluffs - climb to above the rim to reveal the cows in a slow tilt down
A near eye-level with the cows - as close as you can get without spooking them
One of the mid-height orbit shots that you have many many MANY of
Back to a different angle close-up of the cows - keep it interesting; some shots with camera level and others straight down or nearly straight down
Slow flight up the canyon with a climb and tilt to reveal the pond
A different flight exploring the beach and bluffs
another one of your orbits - exploring, exploring
Another low & slow of of an interesting area not yet explored; maybe a path or road - maybe including the highway (to kind of say 'travel time')
A slow climb backward to the south with a slow tilt up (to take the viewer back out of the location)
All of this within your 2:06 min piece of music would make the 10 clips an average of 12 seconds long each - which I believe on average is too long so maybe trim the music a bit or intermix a few more clips.
Opening: Fade an intro with a graphic / text of the location.
Close: Fade text of your name and maybe credit to the music provider.
The broad approaching view at the beginning and reverse on the close is known as Bookends - an obvious beginning and ending.
Too much?