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Air 3 Moments of Serenity, Gordale Sar, Yorkshire Dales


Well-Known Member
Aug 3, 2022
Manchester, UK
A cold but sunny day at the start of March allowed us the opportunity to get out early and take a trip to the Yorkshire Dales, with all 3 drones in the car and a need to fly and brush off the winter no-fly blues!

Our first idea was to head to Ribblehead and then Bolton Castle, before coming back via Gordale Scar and Malham, but on leaving we decided to reverse the direction and head to Gordale first, and although it was busy, it was not too busy for a flight.

Met a MAVIC 2 drone flyer on the walk in, then flew the MINI3 Pro in close to the falls, the high overhanging cliffs made it difficult to get any satelite signal, so the flight was taken slowly and with great care. Then we retreated back along Gordale Beck and flew the AIR3 - staying further away from people as per CAA rules and my A2CofC licence permissions - and captured the more distant vistas…

Following on from this we flew up a snow clad Pen-y-Ghent and Fountains Fell, then onto Ribblehead to capture the Viaduct surrounded by snow clad peaks, and then finally on to a windfarm overlooking the Irish Sea and with views to the snow capped Mountains of the Lake District - footage of these to follow soon, once edited…

Editing the footage was interesting, a piece of music by the Icelandic composer Johann Johannsson suggested itself to me, a majestic yet slow and deceptively simple piece, so bracing myself for the fact that most won’t have the attention span to last 3 minutes let alone 6 minutes I decided to go with it and produce something serene, relaxing and very chilled out - I hope I have succeeded!

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Beautiful scenery and another great video!
That is a wonderful video! Great pick on the music. Your videos just have that cinematic look/feel from beginning to end. I found the part @~3:40-ish very interesting given you moved toward the rock wall showing close-up to distance all together. Well done! This could be on TV as well. My opinion - in case someone asks. ;)
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I'm gobsmacked by the views you can get once you get up and away from ground level!
Climbing up in to the falls, you can see things that pedestrians will never see.
Watching your videos is more than just entertainment for me, I'm learning so much about framing and motion now that I've started paying more attention to the dynamics, as opposed to just being awestruck by the scenery.
Which is amazing too!

How do you find other people reacting to the presence of the drone?
Is it more positive or negative? Do they even notice?
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I'm gobsmacked by the views you can get once you get up and away from ground level!
Climbing up in to the falls, you can see things that pedestrians will never see.
Watching your videos is more than just entertainment for me, I'm learning so much about framing and motion now that I've started paying more attention to the dynamics, as opposed to just being awestruck by the scenery.
Which is amazing too!

How do you find other people reacting to the presence of the drone?
Is it more positive or negative? Do they even notice?
Thank you kindly, glad it was enjoyed...

TBH the reactions we have had to flying the drone are usually positive, even when we have been approached and were thinking it would be negative it is usually a positive encounter! Only twice have we had a negative encounter, one farmer shouting at us from a distance and one NTS warden telling me we are breaking the law for flying within 1/2 a ile of a road - which is not true! Sadly both of those occurence happened in the first 2 months of flying and in one day in Dumfriesshire, so I am a little wary of flying there atm, but everywhere else the reactions have been more positive, folks asking questions or not even noticing the drone. I hve to say at times - when folks are around or I am on my own - I still find it a little daunting to fly, the niggle of worry and doubt is still present, but it heightens awareness and ensures I am focussed on flying safely rather than being debilitating...

Flying in the gorge most folks didnt even notice the MIN3Pro as the waterfall masked the prop noise, and most folks were focussing on the falls, we got a few glances of envy, and one guy came over and asked a question abuot the lay of the land above the falls - there is a public right of way once you climb the first falls. There was another drone flyer in the area when we arrived, so we went over and had a chat before we flew, he was flying a MAVIC2, so was flying from a distance, so having both the AIR3 and the MINI3Pro we were able to fly both from diferent TOAL spots and capture both the scenic and the close up..

I am glad you are finding our video's both entertaining and useful to learn from, thats what I do, watch video's and then work out how the footage was captured, and add the technique to my own repertoire - it is important to always try something different otherwise it is easy to become formulaic and bored...
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One of your very best. You have managed to bring interest and cinematic excellence to a dull, wintery, colourless landscape-such a skill both photographically and editorially. Great music selection. All done I suspect with superb pre-planning. You must have a load of takes and then the challenge of piecing them together. Do you keep you footage separately to your edit computer and bring it across as needed or is it all on the computer. Can’t remember what you use to edit? Anyway, well done.
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One of your very best. You have managed to bring interest and cinematic excellence to a dull, wintery, colourless landscape-such a skill both photographically and editorially. Great music selection. All done I suspect with superb pre-planning. You must have a load of takes and then the challenge of piecing them together. Do you keep you footage separately to your edit computer and bring it across as needed or is it all on the computer. Can’t remember what you use to edit? Anyway, well done.
Thank you kindly twickers, much appreciated...

This video started out with some research of places to fly, then some watching what others had done on YT, from this a basic plan of where to fly from and the shots I wanted - intro, outro, low and slow over the falls and up. This forms the basis of the shoot, then the rest come from what we find on the day, and what is possible in the location.

I tend to hit record wen I take off and then stop when I land, so going through the footage means I can find the clips that will work fr me, a video like this had about 15 mins of MINI3 flight and about 15 mins of AIR3 flight, which was then loaded onto the laptop and edited using DaVinci Resolve - edit the raw footage into the clips and then build the timeline. Once the footage is done with then I store it on an external HDD, which allows me to accss it for futre showreels or reworking... So far I have about 2.7TB of video stored on 2 external HDD which given we have been flying for only 18 months isnt too bad...
A cold but sunny day at the start of March allowed us the opportunity to get out early and take a trip to the Yorkshire Dales, with all 3 drones in the car and a need to fly and brush off the winter no-fly blues!

Our first idea was to head to Ribblehead and then Bolton Castle, before coming back via Gordale Scar and Malham, but on leaving we decided to reverse the direction and head to Gordale first, and although it was busy, it was not too busy for a flight.

Met a MAVIC 2 drone flyer on the walk in, then flew the MINI3 Pro in close to the falls, the high overhanging cliffs made it difficult to get any satelite signal, so the flight was taken slowly and with great care. Then we retreated back along Gordale Beck and flew the AIR3 - staying further away from people as per CAA rules and my A2CofC licence permissions - and captured the more distant vistas…

Following on from this we flew up a snow clad Pen-y-Ghent and Fountains Fell, then onto Ribblehead to capture the Viaduct surrounded by snow clad peaks, and then finally on to a windfarm overlooking the Irish Sea and with views to the snow capped Mountains of the Lake District - footage of these to follow soon, once edited…

Editing the footage was interesting, a piece of music by the Icelandic composer Johann Johannsson suggested itself to me, a majestic yet slow and deceptively simple piece, so bracing myself for the fact that most won’t have the attention span to last 3 minutes let alone 6 minutes I decided to go with it and produce something serene, relaxing and very chilled out - I hope I have succeeded!

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Excellent! Terrific! Watched the whole thing. Thanks for overcoming the technical challenges and sharing. Best yet.
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Reactions: AlbionDrones
Thank you kindly twickers, much appreciated...

This video started out with some research of places to fly, then some watching what others had done on YT, from this a basic plan of where to fly from and the shots I wanted - intro, outro, low and slow over the falls and up. This forms the basis of the shoot, then the rest come from what we find on the day, and what is possible in the location.

I tend to hit record wen I take off and then stop when I land, so going through the footage means I can find the clips that will work fr me, a video like this had about 15 mins of MINI3 flight and about 15 mins of AIR3 flight, which was then loaded onto the laptop and edited using DaVinci Resolve - edit the raw footage into the clips and then build the timeline. Once the footage is done with then I store it on an external HDD, which allows me to accss it for futre showreels or reworking... So far I have about 2.7TB of video stored on 2 external HDD which given we have been flying for only 18 months isnt too bad...
Very helpful and a good work process to follow. Must look into another external hard drive-got two already. Thanks. Just seen the “flying for 18 months” what, thought you were born with one in your hands you are so good!
  • Haha
Reactions: AlbionDrones
Excellent! Terrific! Watched the whole thing. Thanks for overcoming the technical challenges and sharing. Best yet.
Thank you :)
Very helpful and a good work process to follow. Must look into another external hard drive-got two already. Thanks. Just seen the “flying for 18 months” what, thought you were born with one in your hands you are so good!
Lol, nope, started in August 2022, although I have been a hobby photographer since my teens, and had a PPL when I was 18 with an RAF scholarship, so always had good hand eye coordination..
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