Well-Known Member
As a former component level laptop bench tech for many years, I'd be inclined to agree. IC, trace and component failure doesn't always rear its head immediately following a liquid spill. Countless times I've seen the tell-tale crust and corrosion on a failed chip thats clearly been there for MONTHS if not years undetected.Rice for drying out electronics sounds cute, but it's just not effective. It makes a great Internet folk tale, though.
I did a pretty thorough search last year for references to any actual scientific testing. I found only one. It described limited success with using rice to dry hearing aids in remote locations where there were no other resources available.
I'd really like to hear of any evaluations of rice as a desiccant from a valid source that others have found, other than anecdotal reports.
I mean, I'd give this a go on something I'm not sending in the air with fast rotating props and incredibly unstable lipo batteries. A phone, or camera maybe. Hell no, not a drone, LOL, thats just incredibly unwise, putting it politely.
EDIT- missing word.