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Andy Mac 230

Well-Known Member
Apr 17, 2020
Gainsborough UK
I am looking at replacing all of props but not sure what the definition of a pair is. Do I order 2 pair or 4 to cover all motors?
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That’s what I thought..Still tracking my strobes. They arrived at LHR on the 12 now working their way through the U.K. postal system! Thousands of miles from stateside in 4 days. 6 days and counting for 200!
They have literally just arrived and now fitted. Absolutely brilliant ...quite literally!! I now seeing black dots in front of my eyes having carried out a quick function check. Thank you sir you are what we brits call an absolute Toft!
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Lol, they are good, you got ARCII did you ?

The props, pity you didn't get a set of MAS thrown in from the US supplier, but the 8331 are pretty quiet anyway.
Been using them on the M1P since about 3 months new (so about 3 years now, same set.

Just got MAS in from the US, got to find time to get out there and try them on the pro . . . but going to try the Spark ones first, really want that quieter.
No to save weight I opted for the duos. Don’t really plan on night flying. I just wanted better visibility for both me and any other traffic. Whilst it is not a no go area I am next to a low flying route ....we often get the Red arrows flying around.
To that end the forward strobes are at the motor end of the arms...max spread. The rears I slid inboard as close to fuselage so looks more like a large single as close to civvy compliance as I could get.
Not sure about the MAS Props these are the original which have been on about 30 hours but they looked a bit tatty for my liking so fitted new gold and have ordered 2 sets for spares
No to save weight I opted for the duos.

The Duals are fine, especially if you as pretty cautious and fly real VLOS.
They will definitely affect your eyes rod cones pretty fast too !!
I have them in white (2) and one of each red / green, like them on the Spark as the size is perfect, and I keep that fairly close, within 500m.

Enjoy the extra ability to spot the drone when flying now, no more looking up from the screen and not seeing it.

Yeah the DJI props aren't dear, I have heaps of the original 8330 still, several full sets of 8331, and now a couple of sets of MAS to check out.
Might go MAS at a later date just keep seeing posts on vibration problems..something to do with gymble
Might go MAS at a later date just keep seeing posts on vibration problems..something to do with gymble

I saw reports of that for the 8331 Platinum props (fitted to M1P) on some thread too, for a small # of users, but I have had no 'gimbal jump' from them.
Hope that's the case with the MAS too, will post something up once I try them.

Plan taking video of each of the 3 prop sets to compare the actual pitch etc . . . I think other factors like flight times are just too impossible to really tell properly with the variables of flight.
I'm happy just to get quieter / less annoying to any slight degree :)
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