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disabling brief screen freeze after taking a picture?

Mar 31, 2023
Hi everyone. Is there any way to disable the brief screen freeze that comes with taking a picture (mavic air 2s)? This is very annoying and potentially dangerous when for instance taking close up pictures of surfers. For half a second to a second you cannot see where you are flying and could potentially crash into a surfer or wave. Thanks for taking your time on answering my question!
I have not seen this happen with my Air 2s
I have not seen this happen with my Air 2s
whaaaaaat? i think i had/have this happen with all of my drones. Are you sure? it's not a long freeze, maybe half a second or so. I take a picture, regardless of the photo mode or speed of the sd card and the screen will freeze (while the shutter button on the screen circles for a bit). It's not like that with your drone?
whaaaaaat? i think i had/have this happen with all of my drones. Are you sure? it's not a long freeze, maybe half a second or so. I take a picture, regardless of the photo mode or speed of the sd card and the screen will freeze (while the shutter button on the screen circles for a bit). It's not like that with your drone?
Yes I'm sure. You may have a slow SD card. Have you tried using the internal memory to see if this happens?
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Yes I'm sure. You may have a slow SD card. Have you tried using the internal memory to see if this happens?
i tried v30 and v60 cards, makes no difference. i also just tried the internal storage, thanks for suggesting that. but same thing, screen freezes for half a second. any idea what that could be? i am amazed that this is different with your drone... does your shutter button circle as well while the picture is being stored?
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There's a freeze with my Mavic Mini and Mini 2 too. I have also noticed that if yawing they temporarily stop yawing whilst capturing a photo. I haven't noticed a hiatus in forward/backwards/sideways motion but I wasn't looking for that.
i tried v30 and v60 cards, makes no difference. i also just tried the internal storage, thanks for suggesting that. but same thing, screen freezes for half a second. any idea what that could be? i am amazed that this is different with your drone... does your shutter button circle as well while the picture is being stored?
I just tested my Air 2s and there is a slight freeze but so quick it is hardly noticeable. In fact, if I were not looking for that specifically, I doubt that I would have seen it.

does your shutter button circle as well while the picture is being stored?
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There's a freeze with my Mavic Mini and Mini 2 too. I have also noticed that if yawing they temporarily stop yawing whilst capturing a photo. I haven't noticed a hiatus in forward/backwards/sideways motion but I wasn't looking for that.

I just tested my Air 2s and there is a slight freeze but so quick it is hardly noticeable. In fact, if I were not looking for that specifically, I doubt that I would have seen it.

like I have said it's not very long but definately noticable. I would guess 0.5 - 1 second. Would you be able to send me a video showing your phone screen while taking a couple of pictures so I can compare? Sorry to bother you with that. I do surf photography and this is a serious threat for the surfer and drone the way my screen works at the moment.
the freeze as you call it, that you are experiencing ,is just the time it takes for the picture to get from the drone to your device where it is being Cached,try turning off Cache to device in the APP and see if the delay or freeze stops happening,
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the freeze as you call it, that you are experiencing ,is just the time it takes for the picture to get from the drone to your device where it is being Cached,try turning off Cache to device in the APP and see if the delay or freeze stops happening,
Hi there! Your advice sounded like the solution to my pains but I just tried it out with the cache off and it's still the same. You don't have that issue?? Are you on a phone or a remote with screen?
like I have said it's not very long but definately noticable. I would guess 0.5 - 1 second. Would you be able to send me a video showing your phone screen while taking a couple of pictures so I can compare? Sorry to bother you with that. I do surf photography and this is a serious threat for the surfer and drone the way my screen works at the moment.
Sorry I can't supply video, my upload speed is beyond pathetic.
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. I do surf photography and this is a serious threat for the surfer and drone the way my screen works at the moment.
Because the drone has a wideangle lens, you have to get in very close to capture strong images.
Using a drone with a wideangle lens for surf photography would be a serious threat for the surfer.
like I have said it's not very long but definately noticable. I would guess 0.5 - 1 second. Would you be able to send me a video showing your phone screen while taking a couple of pictures so I can compare? Sorry to bother you with that. I do surf photography and this is a serious threat for the surfer and drone the way my screen works at the moment.

If a temporary half-second screen lag creates a "serious threat" to a surfer you're photographing, there are much more significant safey issues to address.
Hi there! Your advice sounded like the solution to my pains but I just tried it out with the cache off and it's still the same. You don't have that issue?? Are you on a phone or a remote with screen?
no i have never had such an issue with any of my DJI drones,whether i have used Android or IOS,
and i do not get it with the DJI RC which i use with my Mini 3 pro,maybe you need to explore your settings for the camera in the drone that you are using ,or as others have mentioned your screen device settings ,hope you sort it out
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Hi everyone. Is there any way to disable the brief screen freeze that comes with taking a picture (mavic air 2s)? This is very annoying and potentially dangerous when for instance taking close up pictures of surfers. For half a second to a second you cannot see where you are flying and could potentially crash into a surfer or wave. Thanks for taking your time on answering my question!
I believe this has more to do with shutter speed used and the write speed of the card. Even on high end cameras with an EVF you will occasionally get a screen lag after taking a shot. It's not that noticeable when shooting static shots. It does seem to bother wildlife photographers shooting a BIF. My Air2S has a little hesitation after taking a shot, especially on slower shutter speeds, but it's not that noticeable and doesn't give me any safety concerns.
Like others have said, if that .5 sec of pause is cgoing to cause safety concerns.. there is a much greater concern with where and how it is being flown.
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Because the drone has a wideangle lens, you have to get in very close to capture strong images.
Using a drone with a wideangle lens for surf photography would be a serious threat for the surfer.
thats right but thats the way it is. the wide angle isnt the main problem as i have pointed out. i am a very capable pilot but the lag does create an issue.
thats right but thats the way it is. the wide angle isnt the main problem as i have pointed out. i am a very capable pilot but the lag does create an issue.
I would suggest adding a camera used on FPV racing drones to be used as a guide camera. They transmit composite video and there is minimal lag to the receiver. Since it would not be used for the photography you would have constant positional awareness.
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