...Several of my Fixed Wing LIPO batteries Voltage can me measured by a small Led device that measures how much voltage is each battery... Why doesn't DJI make a tool that has an LED read out to tell me which of the 3 batteries needs
But you have ... the
Air 2 have 4 led's directly on the battery & the
mini 2 you either use the craft itself or the charging hub which both have led indicators.
DJI have since long considered a direct voltage readout unnecessary for people in in general ... this as the battery have a BMS chip which a general LiPo pack doesn't have. And I agree with them, it's plenty enough with the four led's, each 25% & a percentage shown in the app during flight + low battery RTH + forced low battery auto landing ... should be easy to know which one to charge or discharge to storage after a flight session.
The only flaw they did was to not include something to bring them to storage (3,7-3,8v/cell) at will ... this as the auto discharge takes way too long in days counted. But the led rule for storage is between 1 solid+1 blinking to 2 solid+1 blinking.
It's a very different battery scenario with your fixed wings ... there you don't have any BMS chip that prevents you from over charge or over discharge ... & usually we take out as much as possible to gain flight time, but we know where the limits are ... no lower than 3,3-3,5v/cell ... that is equivalent to a DJI percentage of below 5%, we usually never strain DJI batteries as we do with wing or quad batteries. So for general LiPo packs a cell voltage readout is necessary as we are the BMS ourselves.
So no need to over complicate the use of DJI batteries, always charge them full before each flight session (this mainly to get all cells properly balanced), then don't bring them down to less than 15% on a regular basis (they are expensive so it's valid to treat them a bit better than the general LiPo pack). And after use see to that they gets stored away on 3,7-3,8v/cell (2 solid leds is quite spot on for 3,8v/cell).