NJ Drone Silliness is a very accurate description, I live here and it is beyond ridiculous because it is everyday I receive emails, and texts on the subject from people who work with me and people who know I fly drones
Since November, I have seen vids of large drones and many copy cat sightings of airliners to and from local metro airports,
My response since day 1 has been this : It's either a US government entity or Local and State Law Enforcement, all three of which will likely not admit it's them. If it were an Adversarial Organization or Government like Iran as some ding dong Respresentative in my area claims to be, then someone is asleep at the DoD. Then we have the BS news organizations doing a disservice by hyping this up into a frenzy which in my humble opinion is terrorizing the folks who eat this up and yet I have not seen one of these drones harming anybody.
My 2 cents.
BTW, Vic, I just signed up with your Org.