I was confused by what I saw. The app restarted, but did not reconnect with the controller and aircraft. The controller still showed POI Mode, but I didn't recognize whether the data was coming from the aircraft was still changing or frozen. When I hit the RTH button at that point and nothing happened, I concluded, probably mistakenly, that the controller and aircraft weren't really communicating. That's when I decided to restart the controller since I knew of nothing else to resynch all three parts of this system. I could barely see the aircraft, but I see enough to know it had not done anything drastic when I turned the controller off then on. The app, controller and aircraft all then resynched and I hit the RTH button again. This time there was an immediate change to the controller screen and to the app screen and a few moments later the aircraft was overhead starting the descent to landing. I think I'll try to shutoff the app in a more controlled manner to better prepare a procedure to use in the future for this apparently all too common occurrence. I'll probably buy Litchi to explore whether it is more stable or not to possibly take this headache out of play. Cheers.