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Dji go flight quiz uk


Well-Known Member
Sep 15, 2017
Just switched my mavic on to check some settings on it and I was greeted with a message saying I have to take a quiz to fly it. I tried to take it but it wouldn't load as the mavic seems to overpower my wifi unless I'm right next to the router. Are we having to do this now after the Christmas rush on drones now
Ah thought that was the us problems only thread I've tried it a few more times and can't even get the message to come up asking for the quiz. I bet it will come up at some random moment probably when I'm flying over water and I well out of wifi range and auto land demanding I take the test lol
Probably won't be long then until Aussie DJI flyers have to take a similar test :/
Pity about all the other non DJI drones flying out there, the ones people take to the beach, parks, etc, and are no where near as controllable as a Mavic.

Yes, post Christmas, I'm going to take notice when out and about now, see if there is a noticeable increase in drones at popular places.
I still have never seen another drone of any make flying anywhere since I got my Mavic, either near me when I fly, or anywhere else for that matter.
Before I got mine, I spotted a bloke about to fly his Inspire at a place, didn't know what type of drone it was at the time.
Had this pop for the first time this morning. SKIP was the button I pressed. Flew fine.
When it came up for me, I'd got the time to answer the questions - at least they're not stupid ones, and I got the quiz out of the way.

It isn't folk like the majority of members on here who concern me, but the two idiots who have spoken to me when flying locally.

One said - "Be useful to look in the mates bedroom window when he's - - - - - - - his woman".

The other comment was "Be handy for dropping things in for my mates in the nick".

It's creatures like those that get hobby fliers a bad name :(
Ye I saw the 4 times message and thought I may as well do it can't take long well after a few minutes waiting for it to load I decided na all I wanted to do was check the return to home settings had stayed put I guess it is really necessary because there's going to be loads sold especially sparks, they seem to be really pushing those! I wonder though will all this affect my other stuff hope we don't have to register them by serial number what do I do for home made contraptions
Probably won't be long then until Aussie DJI flyers have to take a similar test :/
Pity about all the other non DJI drones flying out there, the ones people take to the beach, parks, etc, and are no where near as controllable as a Mavic.

Yes, post Christmas, I'm going to take notice when out and about now, see if there is a noticeable increase in drones at popular places.
I still have never seen another drone of any make flying anywhere since I got my Mavic, either near me when I fly, or anywhere else for that matter.
Before I got mine, I spotted a bloke about to fly his Inspire at a place, didn't know what type of drone it was at the time.
I've started to see an increase already. Saw a Mavic and a Phantom flying over a crowd of thousands last night over a street full of Christmas lights.

The mavic flew in low, about 15-30m over the crowds head for what I assume was meant to be a street level fly through.

Given the flight path, I assume there was no way they were in VLOS and were flying purely based on screen, but that's an assumption.

These kinds of flights are going to get drone regulations tightened.
Ye I saw the 4 times message

Figures, seeing as it's a DJI initiative, they'll do similar wherever they bring it in.

I've started to see an increase already. Saw a Mavic and a Phantom flying over a crowd of thousands last night over a street full of Christmas lights.

The mavic flew in low, about 15-30m over the crowds head for what I assume was meant to be a street level fly through.

Given the flight path, I assume there was no way they were in VLOS and were flying purely based on screen, but that's an assumption.

These kinds of flights are going to get drone regulations tightened.

Yep, but it is likely inevitable, at least operator licencing similar to (I think) US does / is bringing back in, not the drone but the flyer is registered, maybe some sort of part licencing, CASA test on the app.
At least people can't say they didn't know when they get caught flying at night, out of VLOS, over 400', within 30m of people / buildings, etc.
Think there's some problems mainly with people mainly we have the people that go out an buy them and try doing stupid things just to break the law and the quiz or a licence isn't going to stop them because they will have crashed it before the 4th skip. And then there's the ones that read the news papers...
Think there's some problems mainly with people mainly we have the people that go out an buy them and try doing stupid things just to break the law and the quiz or a licence isn't going to stop them because they will have crashed it before the 4th skip. And then there's the ones that read the news papers...
I always think a sort of natural selection plays it's part.

Generally the people who ignore the rules and fly unsafely probably also ignore the manual etc and don't buy insurance.

It won't be long untill thousands of the drones sold over Xmas are out of action due to crashes or impatience. Let's just hope no one is injured in the process.
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It won't be long untill thousands of the drones sold over Xmas are out of action due to crashes or impatience. Let's just hope no one is injured in the process.
Don't worry I'm keeping my eye on ebay my mavic was a crashed one but he was a licenced pilot. In my eyes though he didn't crash the mavic did it on its own looking at the flight data it appears to have done some sort of reset during flight.
I also got this a few days ago and again today!

If you do get prompted to do the quiz more than once, it’s a bug. Apparently, if you log out and log in to your account via the app you’ll not be prompted for the quiz
Don't worry I'm keeping my eye on ebay my mavic was a crashed one but he was a licenced pilot. In my eyes though he didn't crash the mavic did it on its own looking at the flight data it appears to have done some sort of reset during flight.
Good luck with that
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