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DJI Mavic 2 Pro - External Battery (X2) Adaptor for Extended Flight Time


Dec 28, 2018
Hello all,

I have recently purchased the UAVmods Mavic 2 pro/zoom Dual power adaptor Ver.2. I'm conflicted with regards to which batteries to buy. Would appreciate very much recommendations from pilots who have undergone this mod for the best brand/amperage and recharging kit.


Thanks a lot in advance...
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OP, how much do you want to spend on batteries?
For a good reliable pair I'm willing to pay what it takes. What confuses me is the different types available... Apparently there are few kinds made from different technologies and varying specs for longevity, assured power flow etc. Was hoping someone here might be an expert on the subject.
For a good reliable pair I'm willing to pay what it takes. What confuses me is the different types available... Apparently there are few kinds made from different technologies and varying specs for longevity, assured power flow etc. Was hoping someone here might be an expert on the subject.

Im not an expert, but I have owned hundreds of them.

Whats your mission? Extended flight time? Do you like to buy brand names, and like good quality, or will a Chinese copy do? Whats your budget? Realistically?
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I would like to increase flight time, (not Interested in distance) what would the options of $$ VS time increase be APPROXIMATELY. I understand variables.
Once you buy the hardware to mount the batteries, then the real price difference would be what size mah batteries and what quality batteries you would like to buy. The higher the mah and the higher quality, the higher the price.

Most of the batteries are going to weigh approximately the same, but even if they don't, battery might weigh 20% more than the other but still negligible effect on drag.
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I would like to increase flight time, (not Interested in distance) what would the options of $$ VS time increase be APPROXIMATELY. I understand variables.
A good place to start would be how long do you want to fly for? If you want to fly for 30 minutes it could probably be done for around $150 or less, if you want to fly for 45 minutes it's probably more like $200 or less depending on how much work you want to do yourself.
I would look on range leader board those guys shared all info on what they use and used. Alot of info on battery's, they even tear them apart for less weight
Hello all,

I have recently purchased the UAVmods Mavic 2 pro/zoom Dual power adaptor Ver.2. I'm conflicted with regards to which batteries to buy. Would appreciate very much recommendations from pilots who have undergone this mod for the best brand/amperage and recharging kit.


Thanks a lot in advance...
I would love to have more flight time from my Mavic 2, but I have to ask, it looks like in the picture above that the upwards obstacle avoidance sensor is covered by the battery plug. I am guessing you loose upwards collision avoidance with this mod???
Question, is the external plug meant to be removed and reinstalled or would it loosen the connections to the terminals on the AC?

I have a MPP and a M2P, I guess I need to bite the bullet and read through the range leader board for the MP/MPP (150 pages) and the M2P (only 52 pages)
Hello all,

I have recently purchased the UAVmods Mavic 2 pro/zoom Dual power adaptor Ver.2. I'm conflicted with regards to which batteries to buy. Would appreciate very much recommendations from pilots who have undergone this mod for the best brand/amperage and recharging kit.

Thanks a lot in advance...

well, i extremely dislike the idea of having a combination of the stock battery on top of the external 'raw' lipo connected like that - if that is what i see in there on the picture.
you have real chances here to end up with a lipo fire.

people who use such solution do set parameters to ignore any intelligent battery features and use external battery voltage sensors to control the status of the external power source.
they also remove stock battery completely first and only plug in external ones. or - what i saw - they remove all cells from the stock battery and only keep in there the board with sensors. but, to have both..,.
just plugging it like that, blindly, will not do any good and may fry your stock lipo. you typically only set in parallel absolutely identical lipos, same C rating, same capacity. you absolutely do not want one battery pushing wild current into other battery if they are not identical - a smaller one will most likely explode.

if you really into extended flight time using safe methods - there was one seller on the alibaba who had custom made double capacity intelligent batteries, made by taking actual stock batteries, and 'merging' them to double count of cells.

i really do not know what you will get with such adapter. dji uses high voltage cells of a different chemistry compared to usual lipos one can buy - dji charges to 17.6 something V, a usual 4S lipo charges only up to to 16.8V.
it will not like at all being connected to a 17.6V source. do it all at your own risk.

if you do not know how a 5000mah 4S lipo burns - you may want to check it out online first. it has a lot of lithium in it, it is quite intense.

also, people who do such mods are doing it mostly to set record flight hover times - they disable all other features. such hacks/stunts are not really compatible with a normal usual usage of those drones. you can put 2 5000mah bricks on the mavic 2 and it will hover with it, but, do not expect it to fly normally like this. it is built in the optimal configuration by the factory. extra weight will be reducing flying characteristics while gaining not much extra time.
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well, i extremely dislike the idea of having a combination of the stock battery on top of the external 'raw' lipo connected like that - if that is what i see in there on the picture.
you have real chances here to end up with a lipo fire.

people who use such solution do set parameters to ignore any intelligent battery features and use external battery voltage sensors to control the status of the external power source.
they also remove stock battery completely first and only plug in external ones. or - what i saw - they remove all cells from the stock battery and only keep in there the board with sensors. but, to have both..,.
just plugging it like that, blindly, will not do any good and may fry your stock lipo. you typically only set in parallel absolutely identical lipos, same C rating, same capacity. you absolutely do not want one battery pushing wild current into other battery if they are not identical - a smaller one will most likely explode.

if you really into extended flight time using safe methods - there was one seller on the alibaba who had custom made double capacity intelligent batteries, made by taking actual stock batteries, and 'merging' them to double count of cells.

i really do not know what you will get with such adapter. dji uses high voltage cells of a different chemistry compared to usual lipos one can buy - dji charges to 17.6 something V, a usual 4S lipo charges only up to to 16.8V.
it will not like at all being connected to a 17.6V source. do it all at your own risk.

if you do not know how a 5000mah 4S lipo burns - you may want to check it out online first. it has a lot of lithium in it, it is quite intense.

also, people who do such mods are doing it mostly to set record flight hover times - they disable all other features. such hacks/stunts are not really compatible with a normal usual usage of those drones. you can put 2 5000mah bricks on the mavic 2 and it will hover with it, but, do not expect it to fly normally like this. it is built in the optimal configuration by the factory. extra weight will be reducing flying characteristics while gaining not much extra time.
Sir, I really don't think you fully understand what it is you're talking about. We're not using regular lipos we're using the higher voltage LiHV cells. And I myself do not know of anyone that mods their Drone to see how long it will hover. These mods done correctly are safe and do not harm the drone in any way that I know of. Not trying to be smart just saying.
Hello all,

I have recently purchased the UAVmods Mavic 2 pro/zoom Dual power adaptor Ver.2. I'm conflicted with regards to which batteries to buy. Would appreciate very much recommendations from pilots who have undergone this mod for the best brand/amperage and recharging kit.


Thanks a lot in advance...

I use dual 3S 1300 ma LiPos on my MP1 with the MAXX UAV battery adapter and their dual battery mount. The mod typically adds maybe 10-15 minutes of additional flight time for my mapping and survey flights.


Sir, I really don't think you fully understand what it is you're talking about. We're not using regular lipos we're using the higher voltage LiHV cells. And I myself do not know of anyone that mods their Drone to see how long it will hover. These mods done correctly are safe and do not harm the drone in any way that I know of. Not trying to be smart just saying.
For real? Ok, gimme a link to a 4s 3850mah LiHV battery.
And i bet 90% of those who bought that gizmo do not know difference between lipo and lihv.
But, whatever, to each his own.
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