The website has all necessary information, including a 'bird map' to determine what hacks work with what drone and firmware version. Been using their GUI for about 3 years for my
Mavic 2's and it is a tweaked version of the official (original) DJI ASSISTANT with the developer console unlocked.
I bought a license: I installed the software: it has behaved itself impeccably for the last 3 years: I trust it.
Be aware... How well D-H works is determined by what drone you have.
Drone-hacks only works properly with DJI drones that have a fully functional SDK released for them. Support for drones since the
Mavic 2 line is patchy, but the bird map will give you all the info you need.
The problem listed by Kentdavidge
probably results from trying to use the D-H companion app installed onto his mobile device to unlock FCC mode on a flight-by-flight basis (correct me if I'm wrong), the FCC BOOST is activated through the D-H GUI loaded into your PC.
NOT for BVLOS flights, but to ensure a powerful and clear control signal in environments where a lot of background WiFi noise makes flying erratic or unpredictable.