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DJI Mini 3 - Fell Out Of The Sky With Props Stopping Mid Air

I have several Mavic Mini 3 .DAT that are not encrypted. However, the MM3 .DATs you submitted are encrypted. I'm supposing that this is due to a FW update.
In general is the DAT number recorded in the DAT?
I think I saw a column title recently that looked 'hopeful' but stupidly I didn't take a note of it and know can't remember the column's title.
In general is the DAT number recorded in the DAT?
I think I saw a column title recently that looked 'hopeful' but stupidly I didn't take a note of it and know can't remember the column's title.
AFAIK the .DAT number is not recorded in the .DAT. However, the .DAT number is recorded in the .txt in the column HOME.dataRecorderFileIndex
Can you say any more about how these .DATs were retrieved? Was DJI Assistant 2 used either to connect to the MM3 or the controller? Which controller was used?
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