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DJI Select Misleading


New Member
Mar 11, 2018
So I was looking to buy a Mavic Air and get DJI Care Refresh (CR). On the DJI webiste they are advertising that if you join DJI select you can get 50% off of CR. So I try to join Select($29) and it tells me i must make a qualifying purchase of a drone first. So I select the Mavic Air and CR, but in the cart its showing CR as full price ( because I'm not a member of select yet). So i remove the CR from the cart and complete purchase of the Mavic Air. i then get a message that I am now a member of Select and my discount coupons will be forthcoming. i go to the coupons section and there is the link to get CR at 50% discount. I try to complete this purchase and get a message that its not a qualifying purchase?????? After spending 30 minutes chatting with DJI rep, they say the deal is only if you buy a drone and CR at the same time, and since they won't let you do that on your original purchase and get a discount, the coupon is only good for your second purchase of a drone and CR. So to get that 50% off CR you have to buy 2 drones. Is it just me, because to me that is false advertising and fraud....
Wonder if you can buy a Tello as your first drone on their website for a hundred bucks and then a few hours later buy the Mavic Air with the 50% off CR?
Yep, I had exactly the same experience. Nowhere within the invitation to DJI Select does it say that you can't use the 50% off coupon with the first drone that you're buying. Once I got them in chat, they sent me a screenshot of some obscure portion of their website that I could never actually find saying this. It is complete fraud, but trust me, it gets much worse and goes much deeper. I have saved my latest chat log with DJI, as well as recorded a phone call with a Supervisor. Both demonstrate how fraudulent and misleading they are. I am going to give them a couple of days to make the issue right for me, and if not, I will post the chat logs and the phone call with a Supervisor to every forun and social media I can fund so that all can see how corrupt they can actually be with this DJI Select stuff. It's really too bad, because I really, really, like their drones, and I really want to like them as a company. But this misleading and fraudulent DJI Select Program they have seems to be purposely misleading and just another revenue stream designed to screw people. If they were just upfront and honest to begin with, no one would mind. But they are purposely hiding their true intent with DJI Select by not clearly being upfront with their so-called rules. As you have pointed out, there is absolutely nothing in the initial information you will read that would indicate anything other than what you expected, what I expected, and what everyone expects. They instead, think that you are going to read every single FAQ when none of it applies to you at the time. Only then, will you see certain restrictions buried within the answers, and I believe they deliberately leave them out on the front end just to get your money.
I don't want to get into a semantic fight, but no where on the DJI site does it state that the discount can be applied to the first purchase.
When buying many products from multiple vendors, a discount coupon is given "after the purchase", to be used for future purchases.

DJI states that select can be applied for at the time of purchase. It does not state it can be used for that purchase.

So, call it bad marketing. It is not fraud. For it to be fraud, the site would need to state that it could be used for the purchase at that time. It does not.
If you really believe it is fraud, report it to your State attorney general. They have an online complaint site that allows consumers to report fraud. Even though DJI is a Chinese company, the fraud occurs where the activity was completed. In this case, at your home address.

DJI want you to be a full paying customer before the discount.

Consider it an investment for your next drone.
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It would be a tiny ask to make this clear for their customers, and thereby avoid a poor purchasing experience, but I do agree with @MGS9500 that this is misleading [marketing] behavior but not fraudulent.
I just went through the same thing. $30 out the window for nothing. I emailed support about it and said they need to change their wording around. I'm seriously thinking of returning everything I just ordered, as I'm in my 7 day window yet.
I know its been a few months but it is complete garbage. I had a Spark and then the Air came out so I purchased that drone along with the Select. I now have a Pro 2 and I am not able to use the code not can i sue any of my 20% discount codes for purchasing accessories. Talk about full blown misleading its customers through BS marketing but this is completely fraudulent.
I'm thinking just buy your drone/quad copter from DJI (top flyers by far) and take responsibility after that. Thier support is haphazard , at best. Get insurance from a 3rd party (like state farm) and just be ready to pay a c note or two to @Thunderdrones in Atlanta and have faith that it's YOUR PURCHASED drone that is getting fixed AND returned to you. Not a refurb POS

All with constant email updates and phone calls...
I'm thinking just buy your drone/quad copter from DJI (top flyers by far) and take responsibility after that. Thier support is haphazard , at best. Get insurance from a 3rd party (like state farm) and just be ready to pay a c note or two to @Thunderdrones in Atlanta and have faith that it's YOUR PURCHASED drone that is getting fixed AND returned to you. Not a refurb POS

All with constant email updates and phone calls...

I agree with all of this. I also agree that the terms could be clearer for DJI Select -- but buyer beware, etc... No company offers something they don't intend to make money on -- if it looks like you're getting a great deal, ask questions -- more often or not, there's a hitch.
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People should be aware that originally DJI made no reference in the marketing material that there would be blackout periods on new products, NONE!
So we can’t use our 5 coupons on new accessories untill whenever they decide to let us. Nor can you use your “Birthday Coupon” worth 12% off “any consumer drone” I was just told by one of their brilliant customer service representatives. When I said ok that’s good then I will wait to order a mavic pro 2, they responded, with the exception of the MP2!!!!

I said are you saying DJI doesn’t consider the MP2 a consumer drone?
Oh no, yes it’s a consumer drone but it’s a new release and therefore not eligible.

Again, no mention was made that this program would exclude new products, and actually the way the markting material read it sounded like it was geared specifically to new and future products for customers who are members.

SUCH A RIP OFF! :mad::(
Just got like 12% coupon for my birthday and there’s not a single thing that I want to buy. They only let you buy all the old stuff no accessories and one item and Osmo that’s not in stock. Gee thanks DJI, FOR NOTHING!

If anyone wants to use it let me know.:mad::confused::eek:
Yeah I have the same thing. I wanted to get the Fly More kit with the coupon and some other stuff, but I guess I’ll have to wait a few months...
I bought an Osmo 2 when it cam out to get the 50% off cr and used in on my M2P when it came out, therefore subsidising my osmo, but they wouldn't allow the other vouchers towards the M2P, but al least I got something

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