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Dlog Air 2s noise


Apr 17, 2021

I tried Dlog today on the Air 2s. I noticed that DLog has more noise that the video with standard color profile. The noise is with straight-out-of-camera Dlog and Dlog with Lut through Davinci Resolve. The used lut is from the downloads tab of the DJI Air 2s website.

I thought that the colors from Dlog with their lut, should match with the normal color profile. But I noticed that the sky is bluer with the normal color profile, than with dlog with lut. The Dlog with lut has a more grey-ish look.

I obviously understand that dlog is ment to color grade, but I simply used a lut for this one...

Link with demo files: Dlog - Google Drive

The noise can be seen in the left-under corner.

I hope someone can help.

ps: Accidentally posted the same question on editing topic.
Are you filming everything in auto & with or without nd filters?

Seems it was a very bright day, so filming without ND filters, I can only imagine the ISO was extremely high, which adds noise the higher it goes.

If this is the case, stick on an nd 32, lower your shutter speed using the 180 degree rule, and adjust your ISO accordingly. This should (hopefully) eradicate any noise.

If however you were using filters and all manual settings then I'm stumped.
Are you filming everything in auto & with or without nd filters?

Seems it was a very bright day, so filming without ND filters, I can only imagine the ISO was extremely high, which adds noise the higher it goes.

If this is the case, stick on an nd 32, lower your shutter speed using the 180 degree rule, and adjust your ISO accordingly. This should (hopefully) eradicate any noise.

If however you were using filters and all manual settings then I'm stumped.
Why would the ISO be high if he was filming WITHOUT ND filters? Seems to me the opposite would apply.

As for the rest of the OP's comments...he's applying a LUT, why would he expect that colour profile to match the "normal" colour profile.

People seem to over-rely on LUT's as a replacement to grading.
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