Hi all, I wanted to ask the experts about something I've noticed every so often. I understand we're not allowed to fly our drones directly over people. However, I've seen drones fly directly above groups of people at various functions such as weddings and other events. I know they have a commercial licence for those events but do they become exempt to the 'overfly' rule somehow?
Another thing, I was at a fair recently and noticed a drone in the air. Bare in mind there are lots of high rides that are constantly moving and turning, how is this legal?
I'm wondering if it was for personal use or whether it was some council like organisation taking footage to promote the event.
Thanks for the replies in advance.
Another thing, I was at a fair recently and noticed a drone in the air. Bare in mind there are lots of high rides that are constantly moving and turning, how is this legal?
I'm wondering if it was for personal use or whether it was some council like organisation taking footage to promote the event.
Thanks for the replies in advance.