With a "props in" rotation configuration the rear left + the front right slow down... as these 2 generate a CW torque. And the rear right + the front left speeds up... as they generate a CCW torque.
It's pretty clear that your incident was due to a lost prop... & yeah, I understand that for a guy that primarily flies photo drones a lost prop sounds scary, feels catastrophic & is something that shouldn't happen. FPV acro quad pilots on the other hand, is used to "consumed" props... it's not a matter of "if", instead of "when". Have myself at least 30 different prop types with various shapes, pitches & number of blades... & I never buy only one set of each, always several, this as I know that they will break eventually... maybe already when I clip the first tiniest branch, or as a result of long accumulated abuse with several crashes & clipped branches which chip them out, grind them down or severely bends them.
What I'm trying to say... don't worry, you will never find out the inner reason for why your prop failed. It will happen again & you need to factor that in, not flying over thing's that can be damaged... & chose soft ground instead of concrete or water if you want to damage the drone as little as possible.
As a side note... quad props rarely shatter or "explode". It will be chipping, scratches & bending of the blades & only in the worst crashes a blade will be broken off. A shattered hub is rare... & usually indicate manufacturing flaws, too tighten down prop screws/nuts, that thread locker have been used that have smeared onto the prop making the plastic brittle... or that they have chosen a too hard plastic to begin with.
Fantastic!. You have taught me so much. Although I have flown the FPV ""acro"" its not my favourite style and I purchased the
avata to do more of that type of flying training with a more robust drone (vs the flying wineglass, which I do actually love flying at its screaming speeds and tight turns). As a video and phot shooter, the
Avata has already rewarded me with shots I wouldn't dare to get with my other drones, plus the shear joy of doing some low, tight flying!
I fully take on board the point about the increased prop break instances, as it now all makes sense. I have flown the
avata in some pretty tight spaces, through tree canopies and have occasionally clipped a small twig, or very tall, thick grass and, to be honest, never thought anything of it (but as I said, I do check the props). I check for damage before and after each flight but will now include an inspection of the hub.
You are right. As a Cine drone pilot, the thought of losing a prop is terrifying. I need to start thinking like an fpv pilot when flying the
avata and fpv
This entire thread has been fantastic. I have learnt so much, from the difference in the data files on the drone and in the
goggles, to data analysis, visual analysis of crash video, prop physics and the value of flying within the rules. It has brought back my confidence in the drone. A small incident (that's what I treat it as now) has revealed a wealth of information from the forum. Thank you to everyone who responded.
As an aside, time to get onto etsy and print myself some battery retainers and protectors. Drones and 3d printing, a matched pair