I think a monento is some sort of Italian ice cream treat.
A memento from getting a pilot's license is... the pilot's license itself.
I have a drawerful of wings from when I was a kid and pilots on commercial flights let kids into the cockpit then gave you wings to pin on. By the time I was in high school and flying myself, I had enough charts, E6B computers, pencils, and other assorted flying stuff that I needed to tote around that the last thing I wanted was some other thing I had to deal with.
I will note that in my personal view, actually pinning wings onto myself would have been highly-effective girl repellent and I was not interested in that. My wife, who was herself flying at the same time, has confirmed this. YMMV.
If wings make you happy, get some.
Settle down there Capt. Happy.
It was a light-hearted thread. If I was a student pilot I'd definitely choose someone other than you to instruct me