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Drones are DANGEROUS and should be regulated.

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I will say drones are safe people can be dangerous drones don’t peep in windows people do guns don’t kill people people do.
i have alot to say about this but out of respect to the forum,ill refrain,the answer to this is obvious and discussion will only skewer the reality of drones usage.

The answer to this is not obvious, I sure would like hear your opinion on this subject. That's the point of the thread/poll in the first place
The answer to this is not obvious, I sure would like hear your opinion on this subject. That's the point of the thread/poll in the first place
ok,it all depends on the individual and how they operate their drones but i suspect the few will make the hobby alot harder
as far as drones being dangerous and should be regulated,well what isnt potentially dangerous:?
anything can be made dangerous so does that mean we must regulate everything
an example is bubble gum,kids put wads of it in their mouths causing a potential choking hazard,should we regulate?
again anything can be dangerous...
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ok,it all depends on the individual and how they operate their drones but i suspect the few will make the hobby alot harder
as far as drones being dangerous and should be regulated,well what isnt potentially dangerous:?
anything can be made dangerous so does that mean we must regulate everything
an example is bubble gum,kids put wads of it in their mouths causing a potential choking hazard,should we regulate?
again anything can be dangerous...

You're seeing the proposal from a non-pilot's perspective, but I think you should realize that the permit would be very advantageous for our hobby.

Imagine that every drone pilot there is on the Earth was respectful, followed the law and never caused trouble. Do you think the regulations would be so strict? The answer is no- and this is why a permit would be great. We could filter out the trouble makers and that could fix the regulations issue.
You're seeing the proposal from a non-pilot's perspective, but I think you should realize that the permit would be very advantageous for our hobby.

Imagine that every drone pilot there is on the Earth was respectful, followed the law and never caused trouble. Do you think the regulations would be so strict? The answer is no- and this is why a permit would be great. We could filter out the trouble makers and that could fix the regulations issue.
if regs are made it will be made from a non-pilot's perspective,,i assure you.
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...Imagine that every drone pilot there is on the Earth was respectful, followed the law and never caused trouble...

I will do you one better. Imagine there's no heaven it's easy if you try no he** below us
above us only sky (with no NFZs) imagine all the people living for today.
I will do you one better. Imagine there's no heaven it's easy if you try no he** below us
above us only sky (with no NFZs) imagine all the people living for today.
You're seeing the proposal from a non-pilot's perspective, but I think you should realize that the permit would be very advantageous for our do have the people that are afraid of what drones can do and not willing to see the fun that you can have with them

Imagine that every drone pilot there is on the Earth was respectful, followed the law and never caused trouble. Do you think the regulations would be so strict? The answer is no- and this is why a permit would be great. We could filter out the trouble makers and that could fix the regulations issue.
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