"Stonewalling, stovepiping, and gaslighting."
As you know I'm not a big fan of federal government (either side) but this is clearly what we all experienced a few months ago (it's so obvious to me) and therefore I am glad an effort is being made to at least bringing attention to the matter. When the government is no longer afraid of the people and the people are afraid of the government, this is what happens. Hopefully we get some answers (and in particular, a few more details about the "drones over NJ").
As you know I'm not a big fan of federal government (either side) but this is clearly what we all experienced a few months ago (it's so obvious to me) and therefore I am glad an effort is being made to at least bringing attention to the matter. When the government is no longer afraid of the people and the people are afraid of the government, this is what happens. Hopefully we get some answers (and in particular, a few more details about the "drones over NJ").