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Error -36 copying from SD card to MAC


Sep 23, 2019
New zealand
Hi everybody, newbie here. I am trying to copy my hi res files to my mac and keep getting -36 errors. The solution online is to run dot clean in terminal on the folder containing the photos and video to remove hidden files, however it hasn't worked. Anything else I can try? I'm reasonably computer literate I'm just mavic illiterate :).
Hi everybody, newbie here. I am trying to copy my hi res files to my mac and keep getting -36 errors. The solution online is to run dot clean in terminal on the folder containing the photos and video to remove hidden files, however it hasn't worked. Anything else I can try? I'm reasonably computer literate I'm just mavic illiterate :).
Are you using a card reader?
That’s what I do... works like a charm to load the card, then I open the containing folder and dL to my computer by drag ang drop. Using jpeg + DNG for images.
No I'm not I'm just plugged in to the drone. But accessing the files is no problem. I just can't copy them off with the errors appearing. And when I have copied them they can't be opened. I believe it's a Mac problem but there must be a solution? I'm wondering if I need to format the SD card somehow?
No I'm not I'm just plugged in to the drone. But accessing the files is no problem. I just can't copy them off with the errors appearing. And when I have copied them they can't be opened. I believe it's a Mac problem but there must be a solution? I'm wondering if I need to format the SD card somehow?
I format my cards in the drone using DJI specs. It should be in the menus. What controlling device do you use?
I’m using a four year old iMac. To DL I put the miniSD card in the supplied adapter and plug it in my iMac. The card appears on the desktop as a peripheral drive.
If your computer does not have an SD card slot (mine does) consider a cheap card reader.
Cool OK I'll try that. My macbook pro has died, batteries don't like the heat in Fiji, so currently using my 10 year old pro. But I'll try formatting the card thats perfect thank you!
Cool OK I'll try that. My macbook pro has died, batteries don't like the heat in Fiji, so currently using my 10 year old pro. But I'll try formatting the card thats perfect thank you!
Welcome... hopefully it will work for you!
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