44809 has eight simple limitations. There are no acronyms mentioned. Not METARs, not sectional charts, not TFRs, not ATCs, ... 44809 is simple. It's unreasonable to dispute that.
Here's one last attempt at logic. Part 107 addresses all drone operations. Yes, it's complex. But if you're willing to abide by eight simple rules, you can ignore every bit of it. As I said, I see nothing to complain about.
There's no more exacerbation of punishment or intimidation in that than there is in all the other rules, regulations, laws, that a civil society places on itself.
I'm going to go have a look at the photos of the stone walkway I just finished building. I used the
Mini 2; it was an act of premeditated and blatant recreation (1). I followed safety guidelines (2). I kept it in sight (3) and didn't didn't interfere with manned airplanes (4). I stayed out of controlled airspace (5) and never exceeded 150' AGL (6). My TRUST certificate was on my phone (7) and the registration number was on the drone (8). Piece of cake.
Further comments may be addressed by reference to post #65. Now, as the saying goes, "Over and out."