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Feedback to DJI software?


Golfer wannabe
Premium Pilot
Mar 20, 2020
Southern NJ
I live in a wooded area nearby a stream. Being new, I just wanted to burn batteries and practice joystick familiarity. The constant alarms because of trees were taking all the fun out of my experience. See where I’m going..... so I silenced the alerts by shutting off all avoidance sensors. I was doing great flying around and in between trees- until battery level triggered emergency RTH which I had set unknowingly to auto activate on low battery. I had the RTH set to climb to “safety” 30m and land at GPS coordinates. Problem was at the time we, my bird and me, were underneath a canopy of tall tree branches about 25m directly above. What happened next was a combination of inexperience and panic. The bird locked me out and on its own started rising to its RTH path of 30m. I guess the top camera/sensor was activated bc it looked like the bird stopped just before crashing into branches. I think I heard beeping and little buzzes of the rotors clipping thin branches while hovering. My control was locked out.. I wanted desperately to bring it down before tangling in the canopy. The dji software prompted me to “CANCEL” RTH, then instead of just doing it, the msg “cancel” or “ok” popped up. Get it? Cancel + cancel. I wanted to cancel in the worst way. I pressed cancel cancel twice in my panic. Then it sunk in and I said ok to cancel. I brought it down in a sweat. My question is (1) is there a way to make a suggestion to use less confusing words (CANCEL/CANCEL) (2) how do I know if rotors are still useable, can I trust them a little scuffed up but physically intact? Thank you
My answers to your number ...

1: To make DJI change? Well even if you are a patient kind of guy, I don't think you will benefit a change during your life time ? :D So what remains is ... practice, practice, test off all functionality ... read manual... test again. AND do it in a open space not under trees. Another tip is to use the pause button, that will halt all automated movements if you aren't in forced auto land due to critical low battery.

2: I would change them ... they are consumables & you never know if that branch clipping introduced some micro cracks that will prove fatal later on.
My answers to your number ...

1: To make DJI change? Well even if you are a patient kind of guy, I don't think you will benefit a change during your life time ? :D So what remains is ... practice, practice, test off all functionality ... read manual... test again. AND do it in a open space not under trees. Another tip is to use the pause button, that will halt all automated movements if you aren't in forced auto land due to critical low battery.

2: I would change them ... they are consumables & you never know if that branch clipping introduced some micro cracks that will prove fatal later on.
Thank you for taking the time to reply. There is so much going on in this community. Wow. Once bit twice shy on the under the trees with anything approaching a low batt. I've been looking for an updated manual. There have been many changes to the interface, from you tube videos I see- not personal experience as I a new to the amazing device and really quite powerful software. Also you are 100% sensible WRT the rotor blades. Thanks again
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